Statement of Judge came following one of the accused all five failing to attend food photography setup court during their trial was set to continue with evidence after attorney Archiles Mulisa questioning in court that Defendant food photography setup number two Elinanzi Mshana (22) Resident Iyela Mbeya has come with regards to the republic being did you notice.
Due to the same arguments that he stood Advocate Advocacy who is in charge of all suspected chil, Ladislaus Lwekaza and tell the Court that Defendant number two had failed to attend his trial due to the injuries caused by the shooting part of the thigh, making food photography setup him a pain he yougulia in prison.
Lwekaza claimed that due to his client's injury urged the court to postpone the trial until the accused his condition itakapotengemaa and add it too will not be able to continue with the case because all the defendants subjected to prosecution documents and details of the complainant to prepare a defense.
However Mulisa food photography setup attorney stood up and asked the defense counsel that he should tell the court demanding the passage he spend the indictment along with details of the complaint consistent with injuries sustained when the suspect that he gets what and when.
For his part Mteite judge told the court that due to disagreements on both sides has seen the intervention and advise that the defense claims the document is a constitutional right given to the defendant.
Mteite added that the defendant allegedly wounded two numbers are methods to delay the case that often happens to the court decides not to continue with the case, adding that he personally disagreed with the court on the issue.
He said the defense lawyer should realize that the trend of court these days unlike food photography setup before where the trial was taking up more than three years but now are lining up to finish quite early cases.
On that basis judge adjourned the case until January 20 this year and directed the defense counsel to ensure Lwekaza day trial defendant brings in any way even if it is sick how including carried on a stretcher or ambulance.
He also instructed the prosecutor gives the defendant the Government to ensure that their demands are supplied scripts proceedings, a copy of the details of the complainant as well as the conduct of pre-trial.
The prosecution initially Archiles Mulisa Government, assisted by Basilius Namkambe said all defendants jointly charged with one offense food photography setup of robbery weapon against section 287 of the Act Chapter 16 as amended in 2002.
He named others as accused number two is that it Elinanzi Mshana (22) Resident Iyela Mbeya, Prisons soldiers with number B 500 Sergeant Juma Mussa (37) Ruanda Prison Mbeya, Mbaruku HAMIS (29) Resident Iyela and Order Kihenya ( 38), a resident of Iyela.
Reading the charges before magistrates in charge food photography setup of the Court, Michael Mteite, Mulisa said the suspects had committed food photography setup the January 3, this year summer at 11 pm in Mt Kawetere Chunya Mbeya road.
who was a man who was known by the name of Sreedhar Pasupelet (38) with Asian origin using vehicles two which is GX 100 Toyota Cresta T 782 a grain and car of another that had a number of Chesesi GX 6011832 Type of Grand Mark II.
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