Sunday, September 7, 2014

And one day I get up, I decided my life is more important than everything. I started going to the m

I was surprised when a friend of mine who told me very sick statement, last year's. I was surprised, because I told myself, who wanted to say lm similar to Beyonce? Besides even frogs, run for me when I sing; even dancing, no body harder than me.
When I do a little thinking, I came to see: Not saying it tells me, I become prop stylist like Beyonce to sing or to dance but it means me: If I work, if I put all my work I'm doing, I can reach far, even farther than I thought.
And there was no better advice, someone can give me in my life. This quotation, continues to help me grow. And what I like, since even you decide to put it into effect, you already start to see changes. The more you put it into effect, the more you accept you must put all of you, of what you do every day of your life, so you can get the results you want them. And so, you're also giving your life more meaningful.
Stop wasting your energy, in this non priority. This is key to stay focused on what you want to do, and where you want to achieve. The owner is very small like a little ant, you want to make, you will need all of you, all your strength, all your concentration to do it. I do not even need to tell you, when you have a big dream, to create prop stylist something that was not there already, you will need 10 times more strength, concentration and conviction.
Once you know what you want to do in life, even if that would not mean anything to anybody. Beginning prop stylist her darling, of yourself. Know your dream, is not sure it is. When you pass this step, you will know that there is nobody who can stand before you to tell you what will work.
That hereafter, you will need all your focus. Roads will immensely difficult. Remind yourself, if it were easy, everyone would do it. And even though many would do it already, how much more, you will do to make yours extraordinary. Because, yes you have something extraordinary to you, is what makes your dream, you must work, you should strive to make all beautiful, unique and extraordinary.
I remember when I decided I must take care of myself, I will plead sick again (I do stomach ulcers since more than 10 years). Doctors told me if I do not take care of myself, never should take him, in less than 2 years, I have cancer. Every where I turn, full-fat foods, keen, with magi, loaded accents are available for me to eat. Furthermore, put on that I did not have enough money to purchase what I should eat them.
And one day I get up, I decided my life is more important than everything. I started going to the market late, even when the last vendor I get, I buy my spinach leaves, potatoes and other vegetables to make me food to eat. And, like my job looking for me to get money so I can keep. M still in combat with the disease, but that had performed 2 years, since mm never have pain again and feel much healthier.
Consider your dreams like my illness, you must take care of them if you really prop stylist want to live. Because they are the one you have. And it is not occupied any name, put yourself included, to achieve them. Alternatively, you can adult with hands in your jaw, calculations and sadness will carry you away, because you're asking yourself, what would you hash ever since this earth.
Put all of you, all your strength, all your courage in what you want to achieve. Small ways, not afraid to make it a big thing. Leave difficulties come, because they will come by and dump bundles, and that will let you know, on the way to reach your goals.
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