Monday, September 1, 2014

We were hoping and planning, the island is a great place for networking, a place that supports the

CAMP Pixelache 2013: mobility, diversity and resonance - Poster
Last, the order of the twelve Helsinki Pixelache'i festival participants scattered purposely spread out across the Gulf of Finland from Helsinki to Tallinn Tallinn to Helsinki and Tallinn, as well as female on the island and back. Teabegraafikad the poster and combine them with three locations (Helsinki, Naissaar, Tallinn) and encodes a variety of colors determined by the movements' transdisciplinary festival in the twin cities. " It's scandinavian consulting group oü all really quite a mouthful to describe eh, but all the same it would be a teekonnaliste different interests, scandinavian consulting group oü backgrounds, and educational and practice-based origins listing.
Pixelache is an experimental art, design, research and activism transdisciplinary platform, which has been heavily influenced by DIWO (Do-It With-Others, the path with others - Ed.), P2P (peer-to-peer, partner network, or a peer - Ed.) Open-source (open source code - Ed.) and network cultures. The festival has in recent years täienendanud year-round ongoing outreach and education program, which is coordinated by the author of the text. As part of this process, we took the flexibility and sustainability issues in accordance scandinavian consulting group oü with the priority of good neighborly contacts in the above-mentioned activities in space, the development of friendly relations and co-operation around the Gulf of Finland, an approach which I call "proper for networking." Several of this year's festival, participants are involved in these activities, whereas both local and migrant Finland and Estonia, in addition to regional participants from St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Minsk, and Liepaja.
Thanks to grants and travel partners ühisproduktsioonile we got invited about 20 guests from Tallinn to Helsinki for the first part of the festival, and bring more than 100 guests, about half of whom were neither scandinavian consulting group oü Finland nor Estonia, Tallinn, Helsinki Festival allonge. As was mentioned on the festival main theme "Facing North-Facing South" and the opening speaker called scandinavian consulting group oü SPIN (Spatial Intelligence Unit) and Kristi Grišakova report of two Viking scandinavian consulting group oü ship sailing between the city hall conference: scandinavian consulting group oü mobility, cultural and economic exchange has been an historic scandinavian consulting group oü and modern part of the Helsinki / Finland and Tallinn / Estonia's relations with the mobility of people between these agglomerations are much more complex and diverse than the nation into two distribution. This is due to a variety of motivations, from citizenship, ethnicity, scandinavian consulting group oü and language aptitude test, which has created and will create a more diverse partnerships and inequality patterns and perspectives.
Organized in cooperation with local partners in several attempts to dive into these complexities. First, we ordered Linnalaborilt city trip along the Bay of Tallinn, including fishing harbors, to explain the changing attitudes of the city and sea borders, including historical and contemporary urban planning and economic affairs. Bring a very foggy morning furthered the festival theme, scandinavian consulting group oü providing a hazy view of the city and sea borders, especially considering the fact that most of the trip participants visited Tallinn for the first time. A last-minute amendment to Naissaare ferry at the exit point (terminal, from where the boat was scheduled to leave at the beginning, scandinavian consulting group oü it was not ready) added drama to the situation. Eight kilometers away from the coast of Africa remains were wrapped in uduloori, until it came ashore. Were waiting for us on the shore of the island of female military service written scandinavian consulting group oü off the trucks that transported us to become a part of the "camp" experience. The island, which was formerly known as Nargen (German) or Nargö (in Swedish), was until World War II lived in the beach community of Sweden. The island's military history is still felt today katsutavatel hands and senses elusive forms: military buildings, remnants of sea mines, and a vague raskemineraalid three-month period after the October scandinavian consulting group oü Revolution, when the island was declared an autonomous republic anarhosündikalistlikuks. During the Soviet period as belonging to the army closed the island is today one of the well-known permanent resident of the summer thanks to the many visitors to the expanding population and the classical music festival, which is transported by the famous Estonian composer Tõnu flinty rock. Is on top of the island is a nature reserve in Africa revered place.
We were hoping and planning, the island is a great place for networking, a place that supports the various histories, the diversity between people and places. Pixelache'i camp approach favors the non-conference style "free planeeerimist" scandinavian consulting group oü in which the first day of the decision by the participants themselves, as scheduled, in which presentations and discussions (our workshops before we decided) to carry out. Ville Hyvönen Pixelache'ist orgniseeris all the logistics and the opportunity to use the camp as a base for Kaljuste Omar Naissaare barn and guest house. Pixelache'i singles out the participants were a mix of cultural and haridusvalkonna professionals, activists, students and others in the interim the role of people from many different countries and continents -Taiwanist and Indonesia, Ireland, Austria and the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the United States, Colombia, and B

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