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The number of victims of the earthquake that hit Japan over a week ago and the subsequent tsunami waves to more than 9 thousand serunión people dead and 12 thousand missing until three o'clock in the evening local time, according to Japan, according to the announcement by the Japanese National Police. Police said the death toll in the earthquake, which struck north-east of the country in the atheist th of March / this March, reached 9079 people, while the number of missing certainly arrived serunión to 12782 missing, serunión while the number of injured has risen to 2633 people. That officials were still struggling to confirm the actual number of dead and missing, while pointing out that the toll is expected to increase, especially as there are still new reports progress for more missing, and in the meantime, firefighters resumed spraying the building that houses the third reactor at the Daiichi Fukushima plant operations Nuclear water, according to a report by Tokyo Electric Power Co., which said that it plans to use concrete pumps to pour water on the fourth reactor at the station for three hours, but the water spraying operations that have not yet begun. With regard to food, has been monitoring radioactive serunión materials in seawater, but it is unclear the impact on marine life, but it is expected to continue the checks and tests on it. Japanese radio and explained that he has been monitoring these radioactive materials in the samples of sea water taken near the Fukushima nuclear power plant No. 1, which was withdrawn amount of water, "taken from an area about one hundred meters serunión south of the station water outlet on Monday afternoon." He says the power company it has conducted an examination serunión only once and do not know the effects on marine life and sea water in the area, so they will be more tests in larger areas. The Japanese radio to rubble and destroyed roads hamper research efforts, while the civil defense forces serunión and the police to remove the rubble by hand in areas that can not bring heavy equipment to 2011-03-23
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