Friday, November 28, 2014

Rains good sink

Breaking News gift worth 20 million dirhams to finance part of the processing of a school plating food techniques building trades and public works in Satat sit Student City University stalls enters fifth day ten Rains good sink, "the children happy" and expose the reality of infrastructure pair distorts the body of his wife and asks his friend Amadadjatha before his eyes! Prognostic Bulletin: strong winds and rainfall starting on Thursday plating food techniques Satat: car transfer to tutoring children and worsen run over and killed near his home jars Party: 47 votes in Parliament and the base of zero or near-absent stalls ??? Three bodies found to members of one family dizzy honorable South Palmzamzh for the right to university housing .. Hassan plating food techniques I University students walk in the open-ended sit Jmauaon neighborhood of Pam and other neighborhoods are unhappy about the paving of the alleys and streets and vandalized again raises questions about tampering Altdbera plating food techniques of the masterminds of local affairs
Sources morning confirmed that the National Office for the fight against economic and financial crime National plating food techniques Division Casablanca, asked the representative of the company (brakes) to bring copies of statements plating food techniques of bank accounts of the company from 2005 until 2010 to audit the financial position and operations of bank calculations of the company during this period , stressing that the new orders were issued for investigators to listen to the actual process of the company according to the Basic Law and in accordance plating food techniques with the requirements of the Code of Commerce, and deepen ruler background search on the contradictions and clear in remarks representative of the company during the investigation into some of the other deals. The sources plating food techniques revealed itself, that the investigation investigators included the investigation into the deal File No. 4/2006 related to work that small and medium irrigation eye Ogre rural commune Lahlef Mzab circle son Ahmed Satat territory, to declare the final outcome Request for Proposals is the glory , because of non-acceptance of any competitor in the stage examine the administrative files, to enter the head of the Directorate of Agriculture technical interest stalls (A.h) changes and amendments to the original table of the deal is feasible Hemmat reduction amounts Works facilities equal to the roof of 50 million centimes allowed to hold a negotiated deal, the investigation showed that the contractor (H.j) a a former employee of the Ministry of Agriculture has benefited in a matter of a brief privileges and aid management in parallel with the voluntary departure, and the foundations of an enterprise of foodstuffs and various works in October plating food techniques 2005 by a certificate of tax replaces commercial register the new city, and completed four requests works support fake Technical Institute agriculture for Chaouih plating food techniques worth 32 million centimes, plating food techniques In addition to the illegal deals and bonds fake request with the Department of Agriculture and landings valued at 130 million centimes. And closely ruler deepen research, sources confirmed that the investigation investigators with a representative of another company (S.ter.s) focused on the motives and backgrounds charges against the employee in charge of transactions (M.j) influence-peddling and bribery at 18 million centimes in front of a committee composed of the Regional Director of Agriculture stalls (Prof.) and Chairman of the Finance Department (M.h) and head of the Steering control (A.h) and head of the services and support (B.h) in conjunction with the monitoring of expenditures stalls visa on 28/05/2010 at bargain quarrying No. 1 / 2010 cover 256 million centimes defects Mstria and not to lodge a complaint against the employee (M.j) to determine who used the company's representative services in this matter, plating food techniques also touched on the relationship Regional Director of Agriculture of the Taza-Al Hoceima Taounate and Inspector Regional of Agriculture to hand Tensift Haouz (coordinates) the company, as stated in the novel that he had received a call from the Regional Director of Agriculture (Prof.) to attend a meeting about the deal to implement the orders Regional Director (A.h), before plating food techniques it turns out that it was the place to sign the legal process of the company (AR) documents Filter Availability deal without a mandate from the company name Owaltoukaa by the Basic Law of the company which was approved in 01/04/2010, waiting to hear the actual process of the company plating food techniques in accordance with the law.
November 28, 2014
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Rains good sink "boys happy" plating food techniques and expose the reality of infrastructure November 28, 2014
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