Sunday, November 23, 2014

Depending serunión on what the chemistry shown by blood tests and other tests, dentists totalitaria

Coenzyme Q10 in maintaining serunión the health of the gums - a doctor dot com
Usually the treatment of gum disease serunión specialists are conducting surgery on the gums, and tend corrupt and decayed teeth - called these doctors, specialists about what age Periodontists. Some dentists use non-surgical methods for the treatment of periodontal disease, and includes many types of nutritional supplements, and on top of that list of materials is Coenzyme Q10. Gum Gum diseases diseases
Problems begin inflammation of the gums as a result serunión of formation of plaques of materials brought germs. Gobble up germs supporting tissues of the teeth in the gums. Turns gingivitis untreated inflammation serunión around serunión the teeth Periodontitis, and develops inflammation, serunión digging pockets in the gums and teeth, and evolve to be affected serunión in the jaw bones and teeth Taatkhalkhal located in the end
Use of coenzyme serunión Q10 back in the dental practice to the year 1970, when researchers found in Europe and in Japan commonplace and common neediest among many patients who suffer from diseases of the gums, with the succession of the research appeared to supply patients Assistant enzyme Q10 has a pharmacological serunión effect successful.
In one clinical trial (double-blind, Double blind), which lasted three weeks, was given a group of patients coenzyme Q10 at a dose of 50 mg per day, while the control group was given a placebo ineffective placebo - all eight patients taking coenzyme Q10 improved serunión clearly, in while the second group was not affected.
Carrying signs and symptoms when the group dealing with coenzyme Q10, decreases pain, swelling and bleeding, osteoporosis and dental, and decreasing the depth of the pockets dug between gums and teeth. As coenzyme Q10 helps to speed up the healing of the lesions. Researchers say the results they have seen three weeks after giving coenzyme Q10, normally take six months to conventional treatment.
Use Stephen Green (Steven Green, DDS) from Miami Coenzyme Q10 for several years, and is considered a great factor in the work against the weakness of the damage gum tissue. Green says: "The least we can do Coenzyme Q10 is the lack of gum disease, which can affect any individual, if the injury is fatigue and weakness. But the benefits of coenzyme Q10 that fights fatigue because it triggers the production of energy within mitochondria. "
In the early eighties of the twentieth century, Green began to use portfolio contains one mg of coenzyme Q10 (and this was the only conservative amount available and marketer in that period), but did not notice any clinical benefit. The dose is simply too few and inadequate. After that grain produced containing 10 mg, and began by describing Mahfeztin day, for ten of his patients who were Arajonh every two months because of advanced gum disease requires repeat serunión visits.
Green remembers that and says: "It was a very critical situation, so every time I see them where I tell them that it is time that Athamiloa on themselves and try to surgical treatment. They had all the signs and symptoms serunión that require treatment such as more offensive deep pockets, easily bleeding from the gums, and the formation of plaques quickly. Despite all this, they refused surgery, medication and prefer traditional methods. Although I was able to help them as much as possible, serunión but the situation has not improved as required. Improved Zapper
"After the helper enzyme treatment Q10, Rajni these patients to evaluate the results - six out of ten patients, it was a great improvement, where pockets declined by 3.2 mm. I have wondered a lot because I have not seen such an impact before, so quickly - also declined clearly hemorrhages gingivalis. ".
These six patients did not change anything in their treatment, serunión but added Coenzyme Q10 - The other four, who also abused coenzyme Q10, did not show the same improvement. However, Dr. Green has said that this result is encouraging to continue in the description of coenzyme Q10 systematically.
Says Craig Zonca (Craig Zunka DDS), a dentist in Virginia, he often keeps Assistant enzyme Q10 (recent Kaltalegh) in cases resistant to treatment, he says, in that: "Because coenzyme Q10 expensive, tend to use the additional vehicles other in the beginning, serunión such as antioxidants such as vitamin C (C), vitamin E (E), and resort to the use of coenzyme Q10 when I do not get the desired results. ". Reduce the incidence of sinus inflammatory and gingival bleeding serunión
The views of Dr. Zonca, found that Coenzyme Q10 helps reduce hemorrhages gingivalis, and improves the strength and health of tissues gingivalis - describes poly Hofertr Polly Hoverter They help Dr. Znca office specializing in periodontal health - how much Coenzyme do Q10 help in the treatment of patient's condition was between moderate and severe, Polly says: "I have checked this lady, and in Ttha pockets depth 6-5 mm, and after three months of treatment Assistant enzyme serunión Q10 fell all pockets and became a depth of 3 mm, and after another three months serunión fell more to 2 mm . The gums always bleed before treatment, and the appearance is unhealthy. serunión Became after treatment with crimson color, and more energetic serunión and healthy. It seems to me that coenzyme serunión Q10 about this patient's gums to normalcy from the inside to the outside. Clean sinus disease first and then use coenzyme Q10
Depending serunión on what the chemistry shown by blood tests and other tests, dentists totalitarians divides the materials described accurately each person individually according to the type and degree of periodontal disease. These recipes play a key role in the treatment of periodontal disease.
Zonca says, "we first need to clean the deep pockets between the gums and Alosna

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