Friday, May 22, 2015

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It was nice to see that even our teachers enthusiastically stood ready in their shoes, no idea what their or honors students was the next 3 hours to wait. Fellow students and Wim Leon took us to the 5th floor. "We'll do a round of agriculture 'was food photography props the message. Do you know what a roteind a round Westland?
I really have no idea, because in a room overlooking the skyline of Delft (you can if Rotterdammer course not really call it a serious skyline) food photography props waited a lifesize homemade party and co-like game board on us. That is where we have to worry about another round. We stood with our shoes ...
After a half hour questions, give descriptions, drawing, singing and hints I have learned a lot again: Curve Boys is a band who sing about greenhouses, flowers food photography props and tractors. With enough food photography props creativity you can in a drawing of a cow also see an ostrich and a mushroom. I learned what nematodes, CHP and assimilation food photography props lighting and washout, and that teachers, if they learn something, a much shorter attention span than students.
These sessions sound very cozy (they are), but also have a goal: In June we should have a plan that we bring urbanites reconnect with the source of their food. The plan must be innovative, get publicity and be effectively implemented. We also have to submit the plan to the Design Livestock. food photography props
While playing the game began the conversation about what children know actually food. The target food photography props was set for our project, since they are the future, learning easy and then their parents can also teach what they have learned. The game and the discussion brought us the idea to develop a creative and fun game for kids that they are in the classroom on food, livestock, learn agriculture.
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