Thursday, May 21, 2015

The other day I found that Mr Panicos Demetriades (which predestined name !!!) Governor of the Cent

Maybe he was right Ioana (our blog girlfriend established in Canada) when he told me in a recent correspondence that the toilet in the house is supreme comfort to aspiring first generation born between sty shoes ... and coop block - existential paradigm parents wish they cultivated property, the choice is not too complex cognitive exercise ...
In "Nicomachean Ethics" Aristotle teaches that happiness, the state in which man is fulfilled and perfected best, consists of a life made up of permanent intellectual activity consulting alliance and contemplation. If I say that the BLOC not possible at least one of the two prerequisites of Aristotelian happiness I've probably argue with Steinhardt's example. Jew converted to Christianity in the Journal of Happiness tells us how God saw a ray of light reflected in a puddle of prison. But not everyone has the gift of revelation, the less Homo sapiens first house. Bloc broken the primordial man - no heaven or earth. I do not believe in contemplation on the balcony, do not believe!
Lately I hear two statements as an absolute truth nonsense from so-called "real estate analyst" - some oligophrenic that binds them one thing, namely investment consulting alliance in the sector imbecile dead, buried and rotten: Bankers not ready to start foreclosures are prepared to lend Bankers similar to "First consulting alliance Home Program"
Both statements are a measure consulting alliance of the mire pig Mugur Isarescu and splashes with Gheţea's for years, gradually swallowing mud hundred thousand naive. NBR licensed moneylenders do not respect any rules of prudence, ignore the rules of market economy relying on state mafia and corrupt politicians with extravagant real estate investments. Bankers consulting alliance receive alms in the form of state guarantees and compliance with laws related to their liking, that "are prepared" consulting alliance or "not ready" ... Well if you are prepared to pay interest loans and 5% advance why not give up the barrel Honey First Home?
I said in the post last week that we learned from reliable sources consulting alliance about the roller performances in 2013. Today Mircea Geoana consulting alliance appeared on ProTV, diplomat that despite the condition of noodle which has been obtained after the 2009 elections has yet information more than credible sources (according to many of you a politician is above the level of trust a blogger Tavanulfals be it, so I made this comparison, consulting alliance and not because last week I would not have known what I say): Hundreds of Romanian thousand debtors will be taken by storm by credit institutions !!! To think that bastard pays a rent of EUR 35 a month for a house with 10 rooms from RA-APPS should consulting alliance not take the good and heartbreaking tone that Romanians feel sorry for them in the show "After 20 years"; must assimilate the information itself: the game with marbles - non performance - was pretty much done. Either execution or bankruptcy.
From the two statements of "real estate analysts' apparent fact that bankers are not prepared to give credit to the true Romanians their financial power. That's because no imbeciles that people not ready to live a normal life with dignity. That is no longer consulting alliance the last place in Europe to use soap and toothpaste, not to pay rates 2-3 times higher than the civilized world, no longer relying sacrifice children a better life in a Communist cage unhealthy. The first offspring of mental retardation will abhor parents house when they read Tavanulfals over 20s, when they see what worked consulting alliance for 30 years should be the ones to submit to a psychological test before letting them procreate consulting alliance or vote.
The other day I found that Mr Panicos Demetriades (which predestined name !!!) Governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus was threatened with death ... I thought then 9 year old child who was bullied in Cluj telephone bank employees, threatened be out on the street with dog and piglet if parents do not pay rates. Let me pity banker consulting alliance or child ???
In October 2012, the scammer Radu Gratian Ghetea Swift Business Forum Romania declares that "banks were not helped by the Romanian government with new money or any kind of help ..." The cattle must continue to believe that the "Prima Casa" is really a help for citizens. How else where for the granting of credit is required "affidavit" affirming that "beneficiary" no longer has any ownership consulting alliance ??? Just like the social benefits they receive a bag of cornmeal poor bastards, one of flour and canned consulting alliance meat ... beef. How else when stakes

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