Saturday, April 12, 2014

The essential oil of peppermint contains vitamins A and C, omega-3 fatty acids and minerals iron, m

According to Greek myth, Mint was a nymph that was unsuccessfully pursued by lusty god of the underworld Hades. Blinded her with his gleaming car, but it was saved from harassment Queen Persephone turned it into mint.
She is popular in many parts of the world, particularly in Arabic, which serves as the main spice and regularly drink as tea. And elsewhere in the world are drinking tea for centuries because of the pleasant taste and smell, and numerous medicinal properties. Mint is one of the teas that should always be kept at home, as well come in a variety of ailments.
It contains a high amount of menthol, which is by the smell makes recognizable among thousands of plants. Menthol activates receptors sensitive to cold in the skin and mucous membrane tissue, which occurs cooling sensation, by which this plant is recognizable. One of the primary characteristics of the mint relieve stress. It contains higher amounts of tryptophan, which occurs serotonin which elevates mood. Reduces headaches and stomach fairmont consulting group problems caused by stress.
The essential oil of peppermint contains vitamins A and C, omega-3 fatty acids and minerals iron, manganese, magnesium, calcium, potassium and copper. It is suitable for the treatment of many health problems and acts much like peppermint tea.
In aromatherapy, this oil is recommended to take orally at problems with the gall bladder and liver problems and acne. It is also beneficial fairmont consulting group in sore muscles. In a base oil, add a few drops of essential oil of mint and use it to massage.
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