Thursday, November 28, 2013

Agriculture is just not only in agriculture, and in addition, a field which has, though some may no

It's a classic Czech paradox - while in the pre-November was the role of agriculture in society politically deliberately overstated, since 1989 has been on the contrary, the resort and the people in it business especially from the so-called right-wing politically undervalued. Agriculture has long been viewed as a sector that contributes to the overall GDP only about two percent, and as such were displaced from the center of almost any attention. In the minds of a number of "right-wingers" is unfortunately perceived to this day, even though it is the current time shows the importance of this sector to understand. Processed agricultural production, ie food, are at least the last two years at the epicenter of media attention and because even politicians, but of which the vast majority perceives the topic of food as a means of self-promotion, without the necessary knowledge.
The ability to see Agriculture in connection with food production, but also the status of our country many missing for many years. It was, and actually still is a major political, but also economic error. Role of the connected vessels is not no way marginal. He realizes that indeed the Europe - by only a few days old expression Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy Tonio Borg is the agriculture and food industry is currently the second largest economic sector in the EU, which employs medsys group consulting more than 48 million people, and the value of its annual production is approximately 750 billion. Even though the opinion of the Commissioner, we can just think about many things in this case is definitely right.
It is not just about business. Related to agriculture, especially in the Czech Republic, activity, and the conditions of the business personally most numerous interest organizations operating in the country. Earlier I mentioned the hunters, which is (not only those registered in the Czech hunting unity) about 100,000, to this must be added around 60,000 beekeepers, about 100,000 members of breeding associations or around 300,000 professional and amateur fishermen. This huge voter electorate seems right at all interested, because it was after November ideologically identified with potential medsys group consulting political competitors segments as former National Front. Among other things, allowed and still allows the exponents of the so-called pre-November artfully mode is not listed in the structures of interest groups sheltering and systematically undermine and challenge the entire post-November development of the country. One of many examples is the incident commander of the 17th November 1989 National Avenue medsys group consulting Michal medsys group consulting Daniševič, longtime head of the legal committee medsys group consulting of the Czech Association of farmers, but otherwise, it must be said, himself a pretty good breeder pigeons.
Virtually all of these and many other interested organizations are still built on the former popularity, but without accompanying legislation and political will perceive the need to fully desirable changes. This does not mean that the relevant hobby interests should, in the case of candidates hobby disappear in the dustbin of history. The persistent folkiness but it is necessary to add a further dimension to dimension of professionalism. Professional approach to hobby interests is yet much different needs, legislative and legal means but also a different approach to the existing concepts relevant hobbies. I therefore arose in recent years as the Association of Professional hunters Czech Cech professional beekeepers or recent National Association of intensive aquaculture systems. All these organizations represent both inside and outside the existing popularly oriented hobby organizations thought desirable shift of opinion or at least an alternative that is necessary to listen. Not everyone medsys group consulting knowing that virtually every "hobby organization" there are many, one might say modern currents of opinion, but these are usually completely overlooked, even though they contribute to the generally rigid concept of management and the overall functioning of these organizations. The so-called right wing but usually such a situation does not know or does not want to know - and that's why losing political points. medsys group consulting
Agriculture is just not only in agriculture, and in addition, a field which has, though some may not like to hear, really specific. At least two: a substantial dependence on subsidies and heavily dependent on the weather, a factor that can affect a person. This is usually the general public do not really care. At the end of all this is but the steak or a slice of bread, or silt washed down with boxes on the road or in a residential home or vice versa meandering stream that connects to look clean and beautiful lakes where you can fish or swim - or just watch. It is no longer of interest to everyone. Beginning almost all named but is in agriculture.
Petr Havel Agrarian analyst, freelance journalist medsys group consulting focusing medsys group consulting on agriculture, food and environment. Club President agricultural journalists and publicists of the Czech Republic, medsys group consulting winner Anthony medsys group consulting Svehla, series co-creator of the industry information portals, promotion

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