Thursday, November 28, 2013

When it comes to the fight against

IMPORTANT NOTICE! Police of the Czech Republic is interested in the IP-addresses of people who comment on this blog. In your own interest, therefore, there is nothing not deny, do not question, do not approve of Do not explain, do not revile anyone or anything, not encourage or promote, and if you decide to add a comment &samhoud restaurant then please do not be surprised useless.
Rumors of a perfectly professional police intervention in the Czech Budejovice got a crack already in the first hours after its completion, and this video is a demonstration &samhoud restaurant of what happens when, instead &samhoud restaurant of an independent police review body works his awkward imitation called GIBS.
When it comes to the fight against "racism," everything is permitted. Terrorists are not with us, so fighting against &samhoud restaurant "Nazis". I expect &samhoud restaurant them to be set up soon Czech Guantanamo. Suitable habitat could be Cervena Lhota Castle, because lies on the island. Clear
In the Czech Republic is not to be fighting the enemies of democracy &samhoud restaurant intern on the island with a strange státoprávním regime, so that they can be denied a proper defense. For us it is done openly, live and loud smacking CBA. Reply Delete
Who saw Breaking Bad knows that the wheelchair is necessary to be careful! me i find interesting videos educators in civilian clothes &samhoud restaurant with a telescope. Because they are in civilian clothes and apparently &samhoud restaurant participates in the assembly, and they are subject to the law of assembly. Tj. may not be armed, may cause conflicts, not to mask must follow the instructions convener, etc. Delete Reply
As a direct &samhoud restaurant participant in student demonstrations in 1989, I am sorry to say that I'm a bit like that demonstration?! I think it is time to correct this one politically correct establishment &samhoud restaurant to build. I might eventually give the policy. because this is already too ... Reply Delete
Here is the original article &samhoud restaurant about ... The police in the Czech Budejovice behaved like a monstrous beast. Video report on violence primitives in civilian clothes with telescopic batons Analysis of intervention Police of the Czech Republic | Czech Budějovice | 06th 07th In 2013 Petr Reply Delete
I'd learned from the video. I assume that the police had the task to squeeze all people from a certain area and it was a reasonable task. Police fanned progresses, invites people megaphone (I suppose) to leave, and not - for their own safety - to accept that someone placed him in the rear. How should police 'pacify' group with wheelchair, which gave apparently (I assume) it clear he does not want to obey? Without some violence, it probably is not, but where is the limit? Charles H Delete Reply
It is not just whether &samhoud restaurant it is a crime, but also that the police obviously can not handle intervene in peace. Whether this, or "civilians" acting as a nationalist ultras (indeed, some demonstrably not just as!), Police officers masquerading as journalists ... when we will see a sharp fire? Clear
The lesson is simple. If you do not grab the baton blow to the head or a kick in the kidneys, then lie on the pavement. No matter that this is a public space and that there are not going to commit any improprieties. As a citizen of the Czech Republic do not have the right to stand on the sidewalk and stare. In contrast, PCR has the right to physically attack anyone for no reason. What does it yet understand? Clear
I do not understand the logic according to which the interviewer when the citizen to obey the call of Parliament, so that at the moment it has the right ZKOP unconscious. The wheelchair did not look like the crowd that gathered together illegally. Even the holčina what "brushed" his head on the pavement. Before becoming a police who protect this surgery? Indeed, each obey any shit laying on him many a uniformed &samhoud restaurant Bezmozek Barracks? Clear
Anonymous from 18:09: podsouváte my opinion which I expressed. A question on how the police should deal with a similar situation where the line basically only reply that this would not solve. Okay, but what should be "exemplary" officers in such a situation do you do? Charles H Clear
For God's sake, perhaps the same as any normal person who meets the sidewalk with another man - just avoid each other. Places on the Square perhaps enough, right? You (Karle H) should really &samhoud restaurant seemed normal, if you passers man attacked just because you're standing &samhoud restaurant in a place where just wants to go through? Why would the police should be the exception? Clear
The officers called for vacated the premises, which is to invite public officials. Possible illegal, but at then assessed by the courts. Then hold Ned "just avoid it." Wheelchair User nafackovat and Miss swap fence is obviously excess, but the tech there will be definitely more. Damages: Ministry of Interior would certainly have solved a written finding of infringement. &samhoud restaurant Clear
I agree in principle with the original contributor. &samhoud restaurant The question is whether &samhoud restaurant the interference was adequate, and some work without nudges certainly did not, but on the other hand, it was evident that those deliberately went into conflict with the police. Is it absolutely clear that if jd

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