Friday, November 1, 2013

- Would you consider it appropriate to mention some names of people who you believe food and trees

Lourival Tavares, cordial man, simple and respectable that many know either personally or through their publications has lost a bit of hair, you have come gray hair, wears glasses, is a husband, father, grandfather. He has aged physically, but there is something food and trees for africa that has encapsulated food and trees for africa eternal youth: his work ethic and pride than four decades of constant contribution in the field of industrial maintenance.
We share the same profession, but his long and successful career helps me to divulge some reflections food and trees for africa of an experience that can only get rid of someone who hoards Career exercise as supervisor, head of technical advice from Itaipu Binational, director for two mandates Brazilian Maintenance Association (ABRAMAN), chairman of Committee Co I P anamericano Man NGINEERING maintenance of the Pan American Union of Engineering Associations (COPIMAN UPADI), teacher, lecturer and consultant.
And it is more than positions and responsibilities, but a name would reflect the man. We conventionally set our zero point in the second half of the sixties.
-You get your Electrical Engineering degree from the University of Rio de Janeiro in 1967, which considered Lourival Tavares, from the professional point of view and as a person, which has been the theme of many years of work?
-I had the happiness of the graduate (40 years ago) to join a company that had a president who believed in and offered employees the opportunity to test with the risk of making mistakes. Thus, in this company I implemented for the first time in Brazil (and I think in Latin) a computerized maintenance (in year 1972). food and trees for africa The program was very successful and led the company to offer an internship in various companies in Canada and the United States who were also starting this type of technique. food and trees for africa This internship opened the way for the development of the theme that has since followed him to this day.
-Ethics (very ethical), food and trees for africa effort, dedication and respect to the client becomes a professional in a great professional. food and trees for africa Do not have the fear of making mistakes and should never discourage them, look for the mistakes learn to do something better. food and trees for africa
-In addition to seeking to practice the requirements indicated in the previous answer, one must keep updated, participate in events, learn to hear, learn to see and understand that there is always something to be learned (from others and from oneself). I think these are the keys to successful outcome of my work.
-In the first three books I wrote, it is certainly the most complete in its purpose and also had the privilege food and trees for africa of having it translated into Spanish (with the support of a large Bolivian and Colombian) thus increasing its reach. Then I received a request from my good friend Carlos Pallotti for publication on the Internet, this came to project further.
You have fought for the integration of maintenance as a 'strategic role', as his long experience led him to the thought that you could add value to the company for maintenance. In sum, Lourival, what now what new project or idea you have in mind?
-Now I'm looking to spread the new vision for maintaining, as asset manager food and trees for africa and responsible for profit in the company, which I call in my new book "Business Centered Maintenance"
'No doubt for me is one of the greatest virtues of a professional (either in the activity that is), and what bothers me most is just find those that, instead of seeking to create or develop, seek to build on what the others and, worst of all, without giving them credit for the creation. Throughout my forty years I had many disappointments in assuming that some people had a minimum of ethics food and trees for africa and then showed their mediocrity.
-I can not say that there was a contribution. I think there were many contributions like the present to seek to spread the "Business Centered Maintenance" (or maintenance as a strategic function). And I hope to continue giving input to our function, if God allows me to.
- Would you consider it appropriate to mention some names of people who you believe food and trees for africa have, or are, making an important theoretical and practical contribution to the maintenance engineering in Latin America?
-The danger is to forget because many ... - I ntentémoslo. 'But food and trees for africa are Sotuyo Santiago, Gerardo Trujillo, Mario Cup, Edgar Bernal, Julio Carvajal, Rogelio Arcuri, food and trees for africa Carlos Pallotti and many, many others.
The world is changing and that 50 years is a term nowadays infinity. I qu

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