Friday, January 31, 2014

3. Since the 13th Meeting of the National Assembly some Members of Parliament have been given by br

1. It is Almighty God who is rich in mercy bring us safely to the present day. Tumekuwepo here Dodoma for approximately 15 working days where we can perform the duties and functions of the Assembly of 14 esteemed where we concluded the activities planned for today.
2. Take this opportunity to sincerely congratulate the very beginning Hon. Asha Rose Migiro (MP) to be appointed by the President to be in esteemed MP. Most of us are aware of the enormous potential of the Doctor. Asha Rose Migiro and of course that's why the President made the decision karger consulting group to appoint a Member to comply with good reputation was available. I would like to congratulate together and wish him a good work in and out esteemed.
3. Since the 13th Meeting of the National Assembly some Members of Parliament have been given by brothers, relatives and friends. I would use this opportunity to give all those affected pole and these disasters. But in this Conference, Honourable karger consulting group Members had an opportunity to discuss the resolution of the National Assembly of union with South Africa is, in kuombeleza death of the founder, the Anti-apartheid,'s first black president of South Africa, the late Nelson Madiba Mandela happened on December 5, 2013 . We all agree that this is a disaster for the Great Worldwide and especially for those who know Mzee Mandela and his history. karger consulting group
4. Also, take this opportunity to congratulate Mr. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, President of the United Republic of Tanzania karger consulting group for the entire karger consulting group population karger consulting group represent karger consulting group us well in this great tragedy of Africa and the entire world. Speech of His Excellency the President had made during the funeral of the late Nelson Mandela on December karger consulting group 15, 2013 there was enough Qunu quite Tanzania Worldwide declare his participation in the liberation struggle in Africa in the 20th century. I believe that it is history that is not itafutika karger consulting group many generations to come. We will continue to honor Mzee Mandela to emulate and follow in his footsteps.
5. At this meeting, the Members of Parliament can ask questions based on 170 and 458 additional all of which were answered by the Government. In addition, based on questions 17 and 15 additions karger consulting group were answered in the order of questions on the spot by the Prime Minister. Niwapongeze all Members of Parliament to ask good questions and Ministers provide answers to great eminence.
7. In addition, esteemed karger consulting group discussed the mechanisms of Emergency Certificate of Amendment Bill of Excise Act of the Year 2013 [The Excise (Management and Tariff) (Amendment) Bill, 2013]. Final Bill of the National Council of Youth 2013 was read for the first time.
8. Take this opportunity to congratulate all Members of Parliament to discuss the report and provide comments and suggestions for greater clarity and detail. Recommendations and advice given by Members of Parliament has been received by the Government and will be considered seriously.
9. As I mentioned in the Parliamentary Assembly of 13, while the availability of food in general has continued to be satisfactory in most areas following a good harvest season karger consulting group of Agriculture 2012/2013 in various locations in the country. Evaluation of food and nutrition conducted in October and November, 2013 in disadvantaged areas of food security and nutrition shows that total 828 063 people suffer karger consulting group food shortages and will need food aid to 23,312 tons by February 2014. In addition, between July and November 2013, the National Agency karger consulting group for Food Security (FRA) has allocated a total of 16,119 tons of food rations to the Board of need for food aid. Up to date 16 December 2013, a total of 13 716 tons zilikwishachukuliwa and Council. 2402 tons were not taken by the Council of Light, karger consulting group Babati, Igunga, Mpwapwa and Manyoni.
10. Instructs the Directors of District Councils, which does the food zijachukua do so before 15 January 2014. Who will not keep these instructions will be considered legal action. Take this opportunity to assure the people that the Government will continue to manage the availability of food in a fragile state Councils with food for the purpose of identifying the number of malnourished people.
The 11. From this month that in the end of season purchase of products, the amount of incoming products to market has started to decline. This resulted in an average price of food especially maize and rice in the market here In begin to rise although not significantly. For example, the price of corn has gone up from Shs 536.86 National per pound in October, 2013 to 538.26 shillings per pound in November, 2013. In terms of rice, the national average price has gone up from 1188.60 shillings per pound in October, 2013 to 1191.10 shillings per pound in November, 2013.
12. Although there is a situation of rising prices, the current price still for some crops such as corn, rice, beans and potatoes are under ikilin

Thursday, January 30, 2014

a) The Government appoints the Chief Executive of the Institute


1. Mr. Speaker, I start by thanking the Almighty God for enabling us to implement and accomplish our tasks in the allotted time. At this meeting carrot decorations the Basic Questions 120 and 305 of Additional carrot decorations Members of Parliament were answered by the Government. A total of 12 of the Basic questions on the spot and 11 were answered by the Additional carrot decorations Chief Secretary.
iii) Amendment Bill to the Constitutional Reform Act of 2013 [The Constitutional Review (Amendment) carrot decorations Bill, 2013].
3. Mr. Speaker, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Members of Parliament to discuss and agree to pass bills with great competence. In addition, niwapongeze Ministers and Attorney General together with all involved experts and preparation of bills. EXCLUSIVE would like to thank the members of the Standing Committee of the National carrot decorations Assembly through all the bills and give their opinions, which a large part been addressed by the Government in improving the bills.
4. Mr. Speaker, this morning esteemed received Statements of Ministers of Finance and Transport. All we thank them for their details.
5. Mr. Speaker, in the meeting of the Eleventh National Assembly carrot decorations ended in June, 2013 the Government pledged that in the budget year 2013/2014 will begin implementing a new system of monitoring and evaluation carrot decorations of development projects that called for a new concept of 'Apply Now Major Result '(Big Results Now-BRN). I would like to inform the Parliament that the new system has begun to be implemented as ilivyokusudiwa.Utekelezaji of this new system has been implemented in streams (STREAMS) two major, parallel streams. First course is to build and strengthen carrot decorations the system will ensure that the results Dramatic expected in our strategy for the sustainable development In available (strengthening the Delivery System). Second stream is to manage, monitor and evaluate the implementation of strategies defined in the first phase of laboratory analysis carrot decorations (LABS).
6. Mr. Speaker, by the end of June, 2013 preparation of the first phase of an extensive laboratory analysis of six sites (6) Selected reviews had been completed. Let me remind you that the six areas are: Electric Energy, Transportation, Agriculture, Education, Water and Revenue. Work implemented in a short period of July 2013 to now include the following:
a) The Government appoints the Chief Executive of the Institute's new President Delivery Bureau (PDB) and has started the work already. Similarly, Deputy Chief Executive of the institute concerned carrot decorations with issues of Agrarian Reform has appointed soon;
b) the relevant Ministry officials as well as all Regional Commissioners, Regional Administrative Secretaries and Heads of all districts have been trained In the New System of Profound Now Apply for results;
c) Six Ministers that began implementing a new system of 'Apply Now for Dramatic results' (Big Results Now) have entered agreements Performance and Mr. President carrot decorations (Performance Contract) with implementation indicators (Key Performance carrot decorations Indicators). In addition, the Permanent Secretaries of the Ministries Sita along with their executives, all Regional Commissioners, Secretaries Administrative Regions and their executives, carrot decorations all have come deals to achieve performance objectives;

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Archive December 2013 (14) November 2013 (66) October 2013 (130) September 2013 (186) August 2013 (

VICE-President Dr. Mohamed Gharib Bilal yesterday opened the annual meeting of the Research compiled by the Institute for Research in the Poverty Eradication (REPOA). The conference was held in Dar es Salaam and insist that, to Tanzania and communities to achieve real progress, change must necessarily exist. He said the economic and social development in the country, might be logically changing society and each other accountable for her she did not otherwise. Dr.. Bilal said it is the duty of every Tanzanian to work with effort, knowledge, caring patriotism, fear enjoyment, desire to accumulate wealth. We say that the speeches of Dr.. Bilal, food styling and photography has great meaning for the present generation to see the importance of flexibility in order to keep a good foundation food styling and photography for life with determination and hard work. Advice of the leader is due to the fact that poverty in a large community of Tanzanians not alien vocabulary food styling and photography since the reign of the late Mwalimu Julius Nyerere. The key to success in their life or solve a problem linalomsibu, He would reveal it first must eradicate poverty everyone involved should know who is poor? There is a concept that says, anyone who receives income food styling and photography under a dollar a day is poor. Some economic experts and they say, a man mahitahi sure to obtain necessary as food, shelter and clothing are not poor. In terms of food, are looked after one's ability to afford three meals a day. In shelters are looked food styling and photography after house in which he lives with his family and how awavyoweza meet the needs of the day. There are those who say Tanzania is among the poor countries that is measured by the lack of national income for the year, the use of poor technology, food styling and photography lack of essential services for some people, infrastructure poor, debt, access to safe water and limited ability to generated food styling and photography in agriculture and industry. Due to these measures, the group believes the Nation and its people are poor because their thinking zinawatuma it. Our belief is that a major contributor for many Tanzanians are living desperate poverty of thought force not be afraid to work hard and diligently to bring about development. For example, someone has a big field with trees instead of finding experts to afuge bees and produce honey, sees better buy ax to cut logs and charcoal or selling wood. The concept of poverty causes some people not to realize the future of their lives so they fought a war to fight poverty makes it to practice.
Archive December 2013 (14) November 2013 (66) October 2013 (130) September 2013 (186) August 2013 (373) July 2013 (323) May 2013 (128) April 2013 (73) March 2013 (150) February 2013 (304 ) January 2013 (335) December 2012 (304) November 2012 (174) October 2012 (163) September 2012 (369) August 2012 (361) July 2012 (535) June 2012 (284) May 2012 (290) April 2012 (92 ) March 2012 (187) February food styling and photography 2012 (247) January 2012 (171) December 2011 (280) November 2011 (258) October 2011 (182) September 2011 (247) August 2011 (152) July 2011 (166) June 2011 (200 ) May 2011 (231) April 2011 (193) March 2011 (259) February 2011 (218) January 2011 (205) December 2010 (262) November 2010 (260) October 2010 (36) August 2010 (10)

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

But if that

Articles Lugola: I quit soldiered make political arguments ministerial post loads we can use to reflect the president's authority and be Liwalo article and I began my journey! Articles Kikwete and religious leaders Feature For these movements Chadema, CCM succeed electric fall Tambo article in thatch houses Mosaic Ukishangaa article you will see the CCM features luxurious crush Politicians, citizens foodarts are suffering! We want the government itakayoondoa article concerns of citizens Editorial CCM is determined to kill education in the country? Go IGP Good article and hands full of blood Articles Njuluku CV of Minister of Zanzibar CCM article foodarts counterfeit bats leave EDWIN article TEI: The shepherd of goats to the governor - 2 Features PETER MWALYANZI: Corruption is a virus in football in Articles Dabo: Younger national Jaydee difference comes precursor foodarts Chadema keep country Nationwide precursor UVCCM assaulting Lowassa Nationwide precursor TANESCO ramp Nationwide precursor Judgment case stand today Nationwide Fire Chief Justice arusha missile National Police abandoned foodarts achangiwa National Assembly lataka crisis Bukoba settle color fire is the magic of Turkey, Oman Mkwakwani Games Wasiopimwa health Stripes' stop 'VPL Games Lion kuwakosa both Saturday Sports Youth to specifically foodarts use games Games Zungu bear fist Dar Live fire MCD, Elder Dude we are not with them anymore Dar TRA Blocks writers to meet and minister Dar fire Stanbic launches campaign to Switch Dar Chairman TAHLISO warns politicians foodarts Dar Kinondoni them to comment improve law Arusha Regional Government Tunaiunga support NHIF Regional Shinyanga Campaign zawaunganisha Paige, Lembeli Regional Mwanza Experts foodarts laboratory fishing described their challenges in Tanga PCCB Tanga must be paid to investigate the council Katavi Regional fire TANAPA operated military Nationwide precursor Slaa: JK has supported EPA National foodarts precursor Mnyukano new National CCM opposes ban newspapers precursor foodarts Lowassa National Fire Company 'strike' bil. 3 / - to Government National TRA about drug ferryman ivory Nationwide Ngeleja: We will place before national interests national survivor representatives death into the hands of vigilante national bene awafunda traders in Mbeya Regional Arrested been accused of murdering an old woman Dar hot woman is styled with leopard skins Dar Exim launches foodarts campaign increase efficiency Dar agents services money to establish association Dar arrested for swindling foodarts mosque Dar Pharmacy Council lafungia stores Dar Jeans, believe the ban government Regional Coast CHAVITA organize eliminate dependence national CCM isitegemee return to the White House - Chadema Regional fire Simiyu Farmers, Breeders congratulate Kamani Regional Morogoro Farmers respectively and DC Mvomero Regional Njombe Chadema yawatoa fear employees Kagera Regional Mbowe apongeza chopped Peace Editorial This crisis of land futiwe foodarts solutions quickly post problem with sexual violence still exists Articles ISCO: Refuge of the key institutions of public, private post TASAF yajizatiti built economically Articles WOP poor households intend to save skin market in Articles DART transportation solution LIDA Masaki Dar article: Indigenous peoples do not value our work Live Fire Festival honoring Mrs. Wise. 20 Percent gadget Entertainment Entertainment Kitokololo apania new coming to work and collector of Mbagala Pearl Entertainment awatolea laziness that pollute
SECRETARY Executive (NEC) of the Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), Nape Nnauye, has lost its legitimacy to continue to hold that office, due to its contradiction performance and its chairman, President Jakaya Kikwete, Tanzania Daima Wednesday limebaini.
This move has sparked a lot of confusion for the public, and thus some to the point of advising him to surrender levels Nape to show that he has betrayed instead of the enemy with whom he regarded governing wang'olewe.
Late last year, while on tour to strengthen regional members of the Southern Highlands, nape before the CCM Secretary General, Abdulrahman Kinana, was named some ministers calling loads of failing to take responsibility accordingly.
But if that's not enough, in the parliamentary session of Executive and President Kikwete in Dodoma last year, ministers Dr. Matthew David (formerly of Livestock and Fisheries Development) foodarts and Kawambwa were allegedly asked to be loose and removed in order to save the party.
Past sessions also last year, Congress legislators led by CCM referred Mizengo Pinda Prime Minister and Minister of Local Government, Violence Eve with his deputy Agrey Anri as weighted by failure to end corruption in the council.
This is not the first time that President Kikwete and CCM kusigana, because even during the implementation of the philosophy of kujivua cortex initiatives in Zanzibar in 2011 and managed by the secretariat, later failed due to the position of chairman.
It will be recalled that after the founding philosophy, nape and Deputy Prime Kaibu CCM (Mainland) then, John Chiligati, went around the provinces were cursed to be accused of corruption should wang'oke within 90 days.
Also former Vice Chairman of the CCM (Tanzania Mainland), Pius Msekwa, he proves later that al

viii. Science, Technology and Human Resources: This was included to establish magnetic consulting g

Mr. Speaker, according to the plan of government in the implementation of the concept of agriculture first, the government ilijiwekea ten main pillar in the implementation of the plan, and also set a limit for the implementation of the program that is in 2015.
i. Vision for the nation's magnetic consulting group first agriculture: This focused on ensuring that farmers farming, small, medium and large-scale mechanized and be commercial by 2015
ii. First agricultural finance: This focused on increasing government budget for agriculture, establishing the Agricultural Development Bank with a capital of from U.S. $ 500 million in December 2009, to establish a special fund to finance agriculture first.
iii. The new structure of the Institute for management: This was included to establish a relationship with other ministries related to agriculture issues and strengthening farmers' associations.
iv. Strategic system change: This was included to identify magnetic consulting group priority areas for basic foodstuffs to ijitosheleze country for food.
v. Land for agriculture first: This was included to adjust Land Act No 5 of 1999 villages by 2010, accelerating land delivery system, magnetic consulting group speed up the resolution of land disputes, land set aside for agricultural investment.
vi. Incentives for agriculture first: This was included to remove market barriers for agricultural products, strengthen the use of tests and legal standards in business and improving prices.
vii. For the agricultural industry first: This was included to establish factories for addressing the needs of agricultural producers, increase production and use of fertilizer, magnetic consulting group improved seed production magnetic consulting group and drug cultivation, production of agricultural tools and equipment magnetic consulting group
viii. Science, Technology and Human Resources: This was included to establish magnetic consulting group the board of registration of agricultural experts, loans to pay tuition for students of agricultural universities, magnetic consulting group set up weather stations at the county level.
ix. Infrastructure for agriculture first: This was included creating adequate irrigation projects, create marketing centers in every ward, leading to rural electrification for improving agricultural
x. Mobilization of Tanzanians for agriculture: This was included to encourage schools and colleges to participate in the first agricultural campaign, the leaders of all levels to participate in a private farm.
Mr. Speaker, the Bloc Official Opposition in Parliament led by Chadema, seeks to obtain magnetic consulting group detailed answers about the implementation of these ten pillars of agriculture first and considering that this is the year 2013 and in that sense, only two years left to the implementation of these columns have has been completed.
Mr. Speaker, in order to facilitate the activities magnetic consulting group of Agriculture, Government had set up a plan of Agricultural Bank, which was required capitalization of 750 billion for setting up the bank. However, this program has been sluggish and as a result it has established bank with a capital of 60 billion against the original plan of 750 billion capitalization.
Mr. Speaker, the Bloc Official Opposition urges the Government to provide detailed answers as these funds be sufficient according to the plan of action. In addition, Camp Official Opposition in Parliament wants to know if this capital of 60 billion restoration is part of EPA funds as Parliament lilivyokuwa EPA is stated that the funds will be directed towards agriculture.
Mr. Speaker, Since 1996 to 2012 the economy of Tanzania has been growing between 3.5 percent to 7.8, and for the past year shows that the economy grew by 6.5 percent [1] In addition, the rate of growth in the agricultural sector magnetic consulting group which employs nearly 75 percent in decreased labor force, magnetic consulting group up from 4.2 percent in 2010 to 3.6 in 2011. Quite obviously the reports of growth is inconsistent with the realities of life of citizens. Successful mentioned have failed to eliminate poverty in the country especially those wan

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Festival vocational counseling and enrollment in Hanoi in 2013 by Tuoi Tre Newspaper, Ministry nife

Advice college admission 2013 in Hanoi: Admissions 2013 | Admissions 2013
Festival vocational counseling and enrollment in Hanoi in 2013 by Tuoi Tre Newspaper, Ministry nifes consulting group of Education, Polytechnic University of Hanoi and the Hanoi Department of Education and Training organizations will take place throughout the day 10-3 at School University of Technology (1 Dai Co Vietnam, Hai Ba Trung District).
In the days of university entrance Consulting nifes consulting group in 2013, the organizers arranged four indepth sector-by-sector, career opportunities, contact the school ... including: economic - social sciences - the press - Foreign Language - Military - Police; natural sciences - engineering - technology nifes consulting group - medicine - agriculture, forestry and health sector consultancy season ...
Admission Counseling 2013 for school students in Hanoi: In the festival, the organizers arranged four regional advisory group specialized nifes consulting group in each sector, nifes consulting group career opportunities, inter-village school ... include: - economic science Social Studies - Press - Foreign Language nifes consulting group - Military - police
morning from 8:30 am-11:30 am and afternoon from 13.30-17pm. Advisory Board members are experts in the field of enrollment - from the Ministry of Vocational Education and Training, Ministry of Defence, Public Security, public universities in Hanoi ...
Coming to the festival, students will be offered admission Handbook CD electronics. The question you pose or the board of advisors also have the opportunity to donate books Admissions Handbook universities, colleges 2013 - Select or choose nifes consulting group the industry? Tuoi Tre recently released. In addition, nifes consulting group the University will also participate nifes consulting group in counseling gifted students with multiple document accurate information, most complete enrollment.
* On January 9 and 10-3, Youth will also hold two admissions counseling - career in Hue and Da Nang. In it, Day 9-3, counseling programs-vocational enrollment will be held from 14g-17g at Quoc Hoc High School (12 Le Loi Street, Hue City) and will be broadcast live on VTV Hue. On 10-3, in Da Nang mentoring program will take place from 8am-11.30 at Phan Chau Trinh High School (154 Le Loi). (See also articles about: Admissions Consulting block A1)
Festival is held just before nifes consulting group the time limit starts receipt entrant or college (from 11-3, the high schools will receive entrant profile of the candidate) nifes consulting group will bring up the forecast information important for the final decision of the candidate before filling the name, branch name will contest.
The area is more promising candidate is most interested located 40 spaces available computer software installed at test Ta Quang Buu Library lobby. Students can participate in knowledge tests and school choice, vocational competence, personal nifes consulting group preference. At the knowledge test, the organizers have preloaded content software testing courses help students nifes consulting group basic self-examination, self-assessment knowledge, work out the bugs, defects to children can build in the learning process, the next review in practice.
In the "bank" nifes consulting group the exam was installed as the exam was "ordered" separate from the prestigious University lecturer. The exam is built on the principle of meeting the needs of knowledge similar model exam or college in the calculation of time as all contestants a real university exams.
The "rehearsal" for this exam will help candidates to challenge yourself, and have more experience when faced with an exam which was "face pack" in all fixed time. According to the organizers, to test selected parts industry, choosing a career, you only need to manipulate very simple, fill out the information requested, the software will suggest you for the sector, in order to select the appropriate choices.
Students to participate in the festival Consulting university enrollment in 2013 also gave Handbook CD 2013cua electronic enrollment Tuoi Tre. At stage four in-depth consultation, in particular nifes consulting group industry groups are representative of a large university with the participation of representatives of the Department suggestions Testing and quality control of education (Ministry of Education), Department of Training (Ministry of Public Security), Military Entrance Board (Ministry of Defence).
Hanoi University of Technology will continue to implement an "open tour" for candidates nifes consulting group with three clusters of schools trait. Accordingly, the first tour will take you to visit Ta Quang Buu Library, which features a grand library and laboratories of the university. Tour 2 led the children out to visit campus stadiums, gymnasiums, visit the extracurricular activities of students. 3 Tour guide them to areas of the school's high-tech laboratories with modern and high-tech products made from the faculty, nifes consulting group students of the school.
As leaders of the Hanoi University of Technology, a major difference of "tours" to visit the contestants nifes consulting group this year are not walking tour that will be welcomed nifes consulting group by tourist tram system. Also, with the advantage of the hosts, Hanoi University nifes consulting group of Technology has arranged 17 booths at the same time to provide complete information of 17 hospital admissions nifes consulting group in the training. nifes consulting group
With many industry specific training documents h

Strategy Page Military News, said the U.S. ever encountered this type of provocation in the Cold Wa

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Picture Liaoning carrier and escorts fancy food groups on the East Coast date announced by China 1.1 - Photo: Liaoning carrier, escorted by warships and 4 1 logistics ship, has become to base on Hainan fancy food Island 1.1 days, after 37 days of trial operation on the East Coast. Xinhua described here is successful flight training, achieving test combat systems and combat practice squad.
As revealed Page's Page Military Strategy, the U.S. has mobilized a massive force included fighters, submarines and satellites to track the movements of Liaoning ship during the last test. This news pages comment trials of Liaoning ship attracted the attention of U.S. Navy special because this is the first Chinese carrier to operate as a combat force at sea. Accordingly, information concerning Liaoning ship and how airplanes operate and interact with the corvette very worthwhile for the U.S. Navy. "During the trial some days of bad weather and the way the Chinese ships operate in unfavorable conditions will reveal the effectiveness of the strike group Liaoning ship in combat," fancy food Strategy Page writes.
In addition, U.S. naval ships mobilized to monitor both "the movements" of the strike group ships Liaoning. Since then, the incident led to remarkable day when a corvette 05/12/2013's fancy food Liaoning ship nearly collided with missile cruiser USS Cowpens U.S. in international waters in the South China Sea. According to Jane's Defense Weekly Defense Weekly, USS Cowpens by the Ministry of Justice of the U.S. Pacific Command tasked with monitoring the operation of the ship on the sea surface Liaoning. Although some information can be obtained via the remote sensor, but monitor the optimum distance is within the range seen with the naked eye. At almost collision with the Chinese escorts, the USS Cowpens is "watching" Liaoning distance of 40 km.
Strategy Page Military News, said the U.S. ever encountered this type of provocation in the Cold War and in more than a decade, China is not hampered at times aircraft and warships gather fancy food information of U.S. intelligence. However, China's actions did not cause the U.S. to back down.
According to Strategy Page, Liaoning ships escorted by warships of China's most modern but the squad layout fancy food similar to what Americans have done for over 60 years. Specifically, the "escort" Liaoning ship includes two Type 051C class destroyer tonnage of 7,100 tons appropriate to the task room. Each unit carrying 48 missiles S-300 air defense missiles with a range of 150 km, 8-ship missiles and C-803 missiles with a range of 300 km, a 100 mm cannon, 2 anti-missile automatic cannon 30 mm, 6 torpedo tubes and 1 helicopter. Ship has a crew of 290 and can reach a maximum speed of 48 km / hour. Two 054A corvette class vessels are 4,300 tons with a maximum speed of 49 km / hour. 165 crew on duty controls 1 76 mm cannon, two automatic cannon 30 mm anti-missile, anti-ship missiles 8 C-803, 6 anti-submarine torpedoes, anti-submarine 12 240 mm rockets, 32 drive vertical launch air defense missiles and anti-submarine, and 1 helicopter. The boats are used radar systems, navigation acoustics fancy food and electronic equipment produced by China.
Currently, a U.S. carrier group including 3-4 large frigates, corvettes 1-2, first nuclear submarine (SSN) and 1 logistics ship. According to Strategy Page, nuclear submarines China has less and less good should not be added to the Liaoning team this time. Regarding logistics ship, vessel type Chinese using the new 903 is closed in 2004. The 23,000-ton vessels rather like T-AKE logistics ships that Americans are using although smaller sizes (T-AKE ships weighing up to 40,000 tons).
In addition fancy food to active monitoring of ships Liaoning China, fancy food the United fancy food States for the first time admitted that the USS Freedom, fancy food Ship Combat Officer (LCS) first of its navy, patrol duty "in the U.S. region have rights "on the East Coast. According to Jane's Defence Weekly, disclosure was made 2 weeks after the USS Freedom completed the first phase deployment to the western Pacific in 10 months. During his mission in the South China Sea, the USS Freedom has conducted monitoring activities on the sea as well as not to collect shipping information

Friday, January 24, 2014

Outskirts of Islamabad, the typical Asian city reemerged: sidewalk sale on all the items piled up i

Saigon Tiep Thi Online - Food - Travel - Wander fair Islamabad
Home flavor
SGTT.VN - Unlike any bazaar arshid consulting group in the country I have come across, in Pakistan market mainly sells fine linen or some essential items in home décor. Market selling vegetables, fruits and other items of daily living only group sessions arshid consulting group every weekend. To back up an appointment, always crowded fair sellers and buyers.
Islamabad is covered with green trees on the main road and quite clean. Unlike many other capital, Islamabad, but not divided into districts and is divided into zones according to the letters of the alphabet symbols. The region lies parallel to the main boulevard Faisal with the industry and end avenue in central arshid consulting group Islamabad, it is difficult to find out what symbols I recognize this is a city located in South Asia by hiding in the open the green trees on the hill is the apartment complex was built according to modern architecture. Peaceful, should Islamabad suitable arshid consulting group for resort. On the other hand, Islamabad arshid consulting group is an ideal transit point on the road to watch the Swat valley crossing the Himalayas are still covered with snow in the summer and the emerald green lake is perched over the hill. Pakistan's wealthy elite flocked to buy land here and built up the sumptuous villa is quiet under the trees. Summer is already over, the boss turned the villa into a hotel "temporarily" not to pay taxes for tourists to miss this step.
Outskirts of Islamabad, the typical Asian city reemerged: sidewalk sale on all the items piled up in the atmosphere occurs extremely vibrant, buses, trucks colorful , on the roof of the tall, loud honk criss-crossing the city, and it is free to recycle waste down the huge landfill on the dark river water ...
Just a few days past Christmas and New Year to the West, but on the streets of the capital, Islamabad arshid consulting group did not see any signal welcome this event. Mohamed - hotel receptionist where I was staying, said: "In the Qu'an have a saying: there is no god other than Allah and His angels. We just have faith only in Allah and organizing large events to welcome in relation to Him. Christmas and New Year's of the West. Our New Year based on the lunar calendar and the ancient Persians, usually falls in March called Nawrooz ... "
The only thing I was surprised about Pakistan because it is quite in contrast to his words Mohamed: bold while countries in the Persian Islamic Middle East region performed weekends are Thursday and after the Pakistan remains weekends Saturday and Sunday?. Mohamed went on to explain: "In the past we have done the first weekend after. However, due to the economic expansion to compete with India, the government decided to change to a day off on Sunday for the match. "
I wandered to the largest weekend arshid consulting group flea markets located at the corner arshid consulting group of Avenue arshid consulting group Islamabad Agha Shani. Like other Muslim bazaar, the owners of the stalls were men. Things vegetables, fresh fruit most enduring character support for Sunday. Meeting place between arshid consulting group 8 am and ends at 6 pm on the day winter, early summer and ends one hour later than one hour. The car, taxi and pedestrian flow seems drawn to a street corner Shani, who also needed by the demand for fruits and vegetables to prepare food for the next week. Parking was not an empty spot.
Previously, the only market that sells fruits and vegetables products. Due to recent demand, the market has opened more booths to serve the shopping needs of everyday objects such as cups, bowls ... The influx of the market over time more and more crowded, while dietary needs shopping is necessary, the management should also open more stalls selling fast food. Despite opening new stalls, but markets will still perform at the newly opened motto: "Strictly speaking commodity prices." Some traders not true "standards" of the market as clothing and roasted nuts, are not allowed arshid consulting group to buy more seats within the markets served by dumping customers follow the path along the outside market.
- Faisal Mosque Pakistan's arshid consulting group largest, built by the king of Saudi Arabia to Pakistan and gifts. - Pakistan Monument, symbol of Pakistani culture. - Lok Virsa Museum, which showcases artifacts collected on the Silk Road linking China - Central Asia - Iran. - National Museum of Art, which showcases 450 works of art by the heads of state or in-kind donation by the Pakistan production.
Lines and unique aquatic floating markets (09/01) Seven things to eat food this year (09/01) Record: "Warrior" thousands of miles to Golden Triangle (08/01) with kitchen arshid consulting group Excited good Southern (06/01) USA 2: Desire to Mae Hong Son (06/01) Part 1: Dream motorcycle riding regularly Southeast Asia (04/01) Make dinner nh

Professor Carlyle A. Thayer did not hesitate consus consulting group to use the word

Professor Carlyle A. Thayer did not hesitate consus consulting group to use the word "pirate state to refer to the Chinese government in an interview, translated and posted on 11-1-2014 BVN day, when it's consus consulting group required by law for the passing boats South China Sea have permission. Originally resulted as follows:
Within the scope of his authority, ordered China can manage to Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of 200 miles was declared illegal, around Hainan Island and Paracel Islands. But China is acting illegally outside her boundaries. The Chinese consus consulting group vessels attempting to enforce her orders outside the EEZ will be caught in sin "pirate state" because of this vessel in international waters.
New laws provide the legal justification for what the Chinese government has been doing for years: forced foreign vessels off disputed waters, the ship seized seafood caught and valuable things other treatment (locator, radios, fishing equipment), foreign fishing vessels arrested and fined crew of that ship. The new rules are set large fines of up to 83,000 U.S. dollars, higher consus consulting group than the previous consus consulting group level.
This is a Herculean identified but absolutely true. China and the State must not only behave as pirate new here. They were unchained in the South China Sea for decades, in many different forms.
In my opinion, on this aspect may be the name of the Vietnamese individuals or organizations for events, or conditions proposed a Chinese state-owned consus consulting group international court, consus consulting group but it could open up opportunities for VN resolved sovereignty issues and Dr HS.
North Bay turn-trying-Vietnam January 8, 2005, China-Customs-Communist military consus consulting group shootings killed nine people-the Vietnamese fishermen, abducted and 8 others President-collected a fishing boat is a subject-matter consus consulting group belong to the legal big-laws. According to the testimony of the victim-who consus consulting group fled to the sea-then-Communist Chinese forces opened fire on boats flush-discharge-fish-population of the Vietnamese fishermen at the point with coordinates-19 16 'latitude- degrees North and 107 06 'E-degrees East. According to the Sub-Concentration-Concentration-The North Bay pilot in the west and by parting the territorial-sea-sea-of 10, but compared with the 1887 estimate, the point-this-world way borders on the sea ( ie line-diameter 105 45 'East consus consulting group Paris business-level or 108 03' 18'' Longitude East of Greenwich) to 57 '18'', or about 57 marine-management. This means that variations occurred in deep-sea-in-part of South Vietnam. consus consulting group Under the International Law of the Sea, the China-Shanghai-China military-communist Violations many things, notably the invasion-of-range maritime Vietnam-South Division, opened fire killing, kidnapping and real-Appropriation of the Vietnamese fishermen-people. Thus, the issue of marine consus consulting group micro-Communist-China military if not an out-of-aggression to cause a prelude to the war, this is an out-of sea-pirates under the 101, 103, 104 ... National-International Law of the Sea 1988 (also known as de Montego Bay Convention). consus consulting group
Customs director-pirate-attackers and the two-word name of the Vietnamese used to refer to people or groups of people committing accounting micro-organic objects of another by force or by arms-strong-air, on the sea are called sea-pirates and called on the then director-hackers. These cases, in addition to the award-accounting-reform, robbers can kill, rape and kidnapping-brake-human victims. The Vietnamese-use calendar consus consulting group shows our national population-often-trans-old is the victim of gang-on-international border, in North Bay in South Vietnam and later. Variable-8 months-1 has enough acts of piracy (taking the victim's boat-people), murder (9 killed) and kidnap victims-workers (8), so if not out- vi sea-pirates it is out-of War. Sea-boat-Communist China's consus consulting group modern military-presence consus consulting group for Middle-China, invasive head-customs-range shooting murder VN and VN. There can be no question-threads' risk-risk "," no-mind murder attempt in variable-try this.
But-of course, under-development of the Sino-Communist consus consulting group spokesman argued that the Vietnamese fishermen-government was the sea-pirates". According to them, the incident occurred in turn-of Sino-sea and sea-Communist China-Communist forces fire on these men died to preserve-the defense of the Chinese fishing boat. So pseudo-theory of cause-aggression, the war created mind-blowing set aside. To this day, at this writing (January 30 2005) I've never seen the Sino-Vietnamese Communists as well as South-referendum-proof presented by the coordinates-of-the-mind which turns trying to have occurred, in addition to -witness testimony of the Vietnamese consus consulting group people was recorded on.
Who is the sea-pirates? By-evidence of universal gas to act-craft sea-pirates", consus consulting group Middle-navy-military-page public service the teeth, firing on residents VN fishing boat, the escape of counting stations found over 400 bullet holes do not need evidence-proving, and boats' sea-pirates consus consulting group Vietnam-South now in the hands of the Chinese-Communist-water. Chappy

Thursday, January 23, 2014

(TNO) Journal Washington Post (USA) today posted a series of photos 10:12 U.S. President Barack Oba

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On 2912, the People's Daily reported that Hong Kong 6 people stormed the barracks of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) stationed in the special administrative region, loudly asking them to withdraw the mainland. The incident occurred at 26.12 pm, but so far are widely reported.
According to the report Hoan Cau, who was holding the flag of Hong Kong as a British hudson consulting group colony stormed the barracks despite warnings hudson consulting group of guards before being arrested and handed over to police. 2812 to date, reported the South China Morning Post (SCMP) quoted Hong Kong police said it was investigating the incident and have not made an arrest hudson consulting group warrant on the person. However, according to the SCMP, PLA was reported to the police are only 4 people and they break camp under a group policy enforcement hudson consulting group priority policy for Hong Kong. Action on supposedly opposed the plan to turn an area overlooking the harbor hudson consulting group in the bustling commercial district of Hong Kong, China completed a military dock. Many activists are concerned that after the project is underway, local people will no longer be free harbor.
This is the first time a group of people stormed into Hong Kong PLA barracks protest their presence since the special administrative region are British handover to China in 1997. It is also seen as the latest evidence shows that a part of Hong Kong do not like to stick to what the mainland, including the intervention of the central government.
According to a survey conducted by the University of Hong Kong last month, 31.8% of 1,000 Hong Kong respondents have no sympathy for people in the mainland, while the proportion of Japanese people do not like 14.9 %. AFP leading analyst survey says many Chinese to Hong Kong is seen as the cause of rising property prices and essential commodities, including baby formula. In early December, medical experts in Hong Kong have warned the cancer drugs they sold out due to risk more mainland tourists to the city to purchase the resale of China, according to AFP.
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Protesters threatened to paralyze Bangkok (12/29/2013)
Syrian Hackers attack U.S. Marines website
(TNO) Journal Washington Post (USA) today posted a series of photos 10:12 U.S. President Barack Obama, British Prime Minister David Cameron and Prime Minister of Denmark Helle Thorning-Schmidt together hudson consulting group 'masturbate photography' hudson consulting group (selfie) at ceremony Funeral hudson consulting group former South African President Nelson Mandela.
Chinese patrol boats unruly thing illegal waters of the Paracel Islands from Vietnam.
Tokyo Metropolitan Government of Japan has decided to use the second machine rain due to hot weather and prolonged drought in the summer, according to AFP. The two aforementioned machines are manufactured from half a century ago and had "blanket cover" for 12 years. Currently fresh water reserves in the water supply hudson consulting group system of the city is about 60% compared hudson consulting group with the average of previous years.
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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

RAIN GARDEN LE reindeer the Self-Strength ancient rain as much as sad zoo in the garden than I quie

Drastic break IS ... | Poet Tao
Your Forum Last (1810) Journalism (1208) Music CD (95) Portraits (212) Pictures (124) Village art (955) Review mediterranea catering (552) Interviews (113) Events (369) Magazine editor (186) Synthetic (181) Poetry (367) Reflexology (51) VCD (74) Write about me (113) Office (249) Dialogue (31) The article highlights 40 year commemoration Naval War Hoang Sa & Chinese Consulate mediterranea catering Protests ago in Hamburg - Germany Nguyen Binh Binh NGO'S DAY POEM AND RELAX: Nudes lyre guitar PARTY READ 89 MINUTES OF MINH NGUYEN man three seats SURPRISED HEARING "GREAT PROJECT" AS LEGENDARY Links 100 wordpress 1.Top Three British Music Ng.Tr.Tao Sam Bui Ngoc Tan 3 Flickr Literary Society mediterranea catering Meets Meets Literature Literature mediterranea catering My Word Xiaoming Ngo Minh Nguyen Quang up House NTT Vnweblogs poetry Vietnam Pham Ngoc Tien Phong Diep Tran Thi Institute expel Tran Dinh Vu Duy Man VietNamNet Vnexpress exceed Literary mediterranea catering Arts + Culture Beyond Tson An NTT NTT flickr NTT.photobucket Meets Literature FOREWORD " Trinh Thanh Son Complete "27/10/2013
THINK ABOUT DANCING Now, the flesh was submerged under three feet of sight of land, he had chickened soul somewhere along the lonely moon immense crystal star but his blood still here, the verse, prose gut a lifetime . Only by what is already in the collection [...] EASTERN PROVINCE OF MY DAY 27/10/2013
RAIN GARDEN LE reindeer the Self-Strength ancient rain as much as sad zoo in the garden than I quietly knocked rain Sad old spreadsheet, mediterranea catering who was far older and do not freak out about rain gardens as a cash purchase as the Rain Rain spread sieve fate [...] POETRY Trac MOC: Purple moor WIND 10/27/2013
Tao: Trac Jupiter real name is Vo Thi Nhu Hai, born in 1980 in Da Nang, Thua Thien Hue origin. Charlene Wood pseudonym derived from par "Pomegranate Jupiter" (pomegranate trees grow on rocks) of old soup Body Trac is combined with the word patience rise to [...] Read CENTRAL (2) 26/10/2013
TRAINING WIN II. Pulling artillery up the hill Truc Lam We stood at the foot of Hai Linh Tinh Gia to prepare for battle on the hill occupied Truc Lam. The team must make public the border with relative certainty, ready to fight. Deputy commander for Ocean Affairs organized reconnaissance map [...] ALONG CENTRAL (1) 10/26/2013
TRAINING WIN Part I - About Thanh Hoa I. Welcome to Thanh Hanoi I was a soldier infantry divisions under 330, a key southern armies gathered duty additional military training in the field B. Our regiment, River Training Corporation (E46) have three [...] DAWN CA - A UNIVERSE OF LOVE 24/10/2013
(Phuong Ly Poetry, Literature Publishing House - 2011) Hoang Xuan Hoa Ca three, mediterranea catering a work shift at the factory yesterday from 10pm until 6am the next morning, the workers have to work all night by his side charge. Make-shift is a shift both tired and [...] Alice Munro short story (Nobel 2013): THE ROAD TOWN 10/23/2013
Introduction: Alice Munro was born on 10 July 1931 in Wingham, Ontario, Canada, with birth name is Alice Ann Laidlaw. Her father is a farmer and mother is a teacher. She spent her childhood in the town of Clinton, where she would often return later. According to college [...] The general's eldest daughter ABOUT CHA 10/23/2013
NTT: Professor mediterranea catering - Ph.D. Vo Hong Anh (1941-2009) was the only daughter of Nguyen Thi Quang Thai martyrs (martyrs sister Nguyen Thi Minh Khai) and General Vo Nguyen Giap said, she was little chat with three, but understands the inner thoughts of the three. [...] Poetry Trac MOC 10/23/2013
POETRY AND DO NOT Trac MOC No autumn leaves do you know why the sky is not the cold winds pristine season why he is not very long night seemed to hear the great sound to both ears swallowing do not pretend mediterranea catering lie but covertly listen [...] visiting card DETECTION IN THE ARCHIVE Giap in America 10/21/2013
LADY Lady Borton Borton (born in 1942 in the United States). 1969 - 1971 as the Quaker relief program in Quang Ngai. Quaker organization mediterranea catering representative in Hanoi from early 1980 through mid-decade. Known for more articles and works of Vietnam such as Ho Chi Minh City-a foot [...] Blog Que Choa patriot Le Hieu Dang has passed away 01/22/2014
According to Le Hieu Dang BVN born January 6, 1944, breathed his last at 10 pm January 22, 2014, at 115 hospitals (Saigon). Coffin ceremony will be conducted at 9 am January 23, 2014 in HCMC Forensic Center, 336 Tran Phu, District 5. Coffin was lying in state at Xa Loi Pagoda, 89b Ba Huyen Thanh Quan Street, District 3. The ceremony will begin di lu [...] our newspaper or newspapers of the enemy.? 01/22/2014
The blog GioTheo Commercial, Home Vietnam Vietnam People always said that Vietnam's East Sea. Even a child 6 years of age for Grade 1. And everyone knows the Chinese military is plotting to annex East Coast. With ambitions to control militarily waters and greed for resources in these waters. In the current situation, the village urgently [...] That's it! Hi Dang. 01/22/2014
Ha Dinh Nguyen Profile

LADY Lady Borton Borton (born in 1942 in the United States). 1969 - 1971 as the Quaker relief progr

Down the cannon, in order for the tomb of General | Poet Tao
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THINK ABOUT DANCING Now, the flesh was submerged under three feet of sight of land, he had chickened soul somewhere along the lonely kemper cpa group moon immense crystal star but his blood still here, the verse, prose gut a lifetime . Only by what is already in the collection [...] EASTERN PROVINCE OF MY DAY 27/10/2013
RAIN GARDEN LE reindeer the Self-Strength ancient rain as much as sad zoo in the garden than I quietly kemper cpa group knocked rain Sad old spreadsheet, who was far older and do not freak out about rain gardens as a cash purchase as the Rain Rain spread sieve fate [...] POETRY kemper cpa group Trac MOC: Purple moor WIND 10/27/2013
Tao: Trac Jupiter real name is Vo Thi Nhu Hai, born in 1980 in Da Nang, Thua Thien Hue origin. Charlene Wood pseudonym derived from par "Pomegranate Jupiter" (pomegranate trees grow on rocks) of old soup Body Trac is combined with the word patience rise to [...] Read CENTRAL (2) 26/10/2013
TRAINING WIN II. Pulling artillery kemper cpa group up the hill Truc Lam We stood at the foot of Hai Linh Tinh Gia to prepare for battle on the hill occupied Truc Lam. The team must make public the border with relative certainty, ready to fight. kemper cpa group Deputy commander for Ocean Affairs organized reconnaissance map [...] ALONG CENTRAL (1) 10/26/2013
TRAINING WIN Part I - About Thanh Hoa I. Welcome to Thanh Hanoi I was a soldier infantry divisions under 330, a key southern armies gathered duty additional military training in the field B. Our regiment, River Training kemper cpa group Corporation (E46) have three [...] DAWN CA - A UNIVERSE OF LOVE 24/10/2013
(Phuong Ly Poetry, Literature Publishing House - 2011) Hoang Xuan Hoa Ca three, a work shift at the factory yesterday from 10pm until 6am the next morning, the workers have to work all night by his side charge. Make-shift is a shift both tired and [...] Alice Munro short story (Nobel 2013): THE ROAD TOWN 10/23/2013
Introduction: Alice Munro was born on 10 July 1931 in Wingham, Ontario, Canada, with birth name is Alice Ann Laidlaw. Her father is a farmer and mother is a teacher. She spent her childhood in the town of Clinton, where she would often return later. According to college [...] The general's eldest daughter ABOUT CHA 10/23/2013
NTT: Professor - Ph.D. Vo Hong Anh (1941-2009) was the only daughter of Nguyen Thi Quang Thai martyrs (martyrs sister Nguyen Thi Minh Khai) and General Vo Nguyen Giap said, she was little chat with three, kemper cpa group but understands the inner thoughts of the three. [...] Poetry Trac MOC 10/23/2013
POETRY AND DO NOT Trac MOC No autumn leaves do you know why the sky is not the cold winds pristine season why he is not very long night seemed to hear the great sound to both ears swallowing do not pretend lie but covertly listen [...] visiting card DETECTION IN THE ARCHIVE Giap in America 10/21/2013
LADY Lady Borton Borton (born in 1942 in the United States). 1969 - 1971 as the Quaker relief program in Quang Ngai. Quaker organization representative in Hanoi from early 1980 through mid-decade. Known for more articles and works of Vietnam such as Ho Chi Minh City-a foot [...] Blog Que Choa Cheers & On, no text editor! 01/22/2014
ChuongNgo MinhTheo rare story writer Ngo Minh NQL blog: It's too depressed for a few he young editor, weak and superficial. It is true that they do not have chu.Trong early 2014 meeting of the Southern Association Branch in Hue Ha vanViet 17-1-2014 recent days, Khanh Linh Ha woman writer raised a thick book, and said: "Have you noticed mind, here is a new novel titled Spirit of [...] Department Kien elected: Mr. Pham Trung Cang Does anyone informer? 01/22/2014
Le Thanh PhongTheo 3.1 last Labor Day, Hanoi City People's Court decided to return the files to investigate additional cases and accomplices Nguyen Duc Kien, Ha Noi KSND Institute propose to clarify the role of his co-conspirators Pham Trung Cang - former Vice Chairman of Asia Commercial Bank (ACB) - and four others for acts "intentionally violating state regulations on economic management, GA [...] Mind letter Gu

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Fluctuation seventy seventies HEROES ON PRIVATE signed on to the letter to the UN. 3 books on the V

Nguyen hi tek rations Tan Dung - expectations and disappointment | HUMAN RIGHTS AND FREEDOM
Fluctuation seventy seventies HEROES ON PRIVATE signed on to the letter to the UN. 3 books on the Vietnam-China relations NOTICE CALLING protesters pirates 19/01/2014 HANOI state POLITICAL Error: Can not believe the line is not active. hi tek rations Please try again later. SOCIAL CULTURE Nothing is garbage all people throughout the night to keep society president demanded confirmation roughing the parathyroid NGO'S DAY THEME: true if (Supreme specified) Vietnam-Hai Phong A different perspective: 16 years in prison for troublemakers in Tien Lang People hi tek rations keep HUMAN RIGHTS society president requires confirmation through the night police beat the bosses pants woman started hi tek rations to pull away humiliated Judge Thanh Hoa: Police burn money to fight for human rights, People must apply for famine relief hi tek rations rice Advocate for prisoners of conscience, human rights VN Advocate hi tek rations for review prior to the UPR of Hanoi LAW A woman covered head judge pulled up his pants to humiliate Vinaconex 15: Workers 4 years not paid denunciation of civic leaders HCMC District 9 billion lawsuit over 1000: "Lower display" confusing! Perjury hero to be launched: Central Secretary say when accused? hi tek rations ECONOMIC Vietinbank hi tek rations not compensated for by district Vinaconex 15: Workers 4-year unpaid blurred beauty of Vietnam superstition, leadership rotated in Tien Giang Tran Hung Dao statue Under the leadership of General Secretary and Minister level died Monday of each dam under Minister of Transport Water Spots CA - Welding rod should also be a measure of people's confidence apparatus senior personnel expected
ttngbt parathyroid NGO'S DAY THEME: MEANING AND PURPOSE OF SPRING hi tek rations Hanoi Bao Loc: the 1974 memorial match Paracel cart before the horse story was dissolved rice in Vietnam 'Move Hanoi human rights' for Athletes prisoners of conscience candlelight tribute night Paracel soldiers abandoned Danang Vietnam-A different perspective Falun Gong banners unfurl before Ba Dinh Square commune president People hi tek rations keep demanding through the night police confirmed Nothing hits the garbage covered hi tek rations the woman pulled her pants started to humiliate Judge Thanh Hoa: Police hi tek rations burn money to fight human rights, people have to apply for food aid rice Nguyen Huu Cau, Vietnam prisoner longest coming released? On signing on to the letter to the UN. Hai Phong: 16 years in prison for troublemakers in Tien Lang hongbagai body paintings 'sensitive' nude painting hi tek rations captures vivid as only the truth about the "psychic" Phan Thi Bich Hang in search for remains General Phung Chi Kien Gloomy Sunday Going 'hunt' gorgeous flowers bloom throughout North
Vietnam retains a one-party hi tek rations system chứa basic Political Freedoms are systematically curtailed. And yet politics in the country have suddenly trở fluid, animated by the unprecedentedly hi tek rations open Intensifying competition and Furniture has emerged within and around the Communist Party of Vietnam. Vietnam, It seems, has nhập a qualitatively new stage in its development Political, chứa one country's politics are more transparent, uncertain, and interesting than that to đó we have been accustomed dragon.
Some of the most striking manifestations of these Developments are found at the Commanding Heights of the party. Here, the twisting Political fortune and enigmatic personae of Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung provides a Particularly interesting illustration of Vietnam's Changing Political scene.
The prime minister's unfolding career is at once fascinating and consequential. Appointed to his post with Considerable fanfare and a Reform billing, Dung's tenure has been defined largely by his seemingly weak stewardship of the economy. Even as Himself solution is but one player in an economy beset with Institutional weaknesses.
Vietnam's Recent hi tek rations Economic slowdown, though owing in part to the global recession and tương ứng dips in foreign direct Investment, has had much more to do with the country's Institutional deficits. These include hi tek rations unhealthy doses of patronage, a dire Lack of transparency, Political fragmentation and self-interested. Vietnam's longstanding Leadership vacuum has not Helped matters. And Dung's Leadership in Economic affairs could certainly be Questioned. On his watch, Vietnam's economy has been buffeted by a spate of multi-billion dollar scandals involving state and Enterprises Threatened by an accumulating mountain of bad debt.
At critical junctures, the prime minister has Expressed his contrition for Alleged shortcomings. Yet HIS faults must be viewed within a Broader Perspective. For all his shortcomings, Institutional hi tek rations Capacity Acts within the constraints of the party, hi tek rations one Whose power and pathologies chính nó pervade the economy.
Even within the party, Capacity Remains controversial, as is Reflected in a number of testing moments. Dung's reappointment as prime minister in 2011 was given his hard-fought Furniture underwhelming performance against his reappointment was at times in real doubt. At the close of 2012, the prime minister was pushed from power by Nearly Pol His Own

Monday, January 20, 2014

- I also referenced drawing new alignments in the feasibility study report of the railways in urban

'Do not tear down the bridge architectural icon capital' Dr. Qu Vietnam Hung, Deputy Director, Institute konene of Management Planning and Transport said that the need to restore the original architectural design konene of the Long Range engineer Eiffel (France) - should not remove the rails on the bridge. > The train will stop working on the Long Bien Bridge
- The railway industry advocates restoring the Long Bien bridge towards serving urban transport and rail system can be regarded as a cultural symbol of Hanoi will be removed. His views on this matter?
- The restoration and preservation of Long Bien Bridge is the duty of those who love Hanoi. In my opinion, restoration means bringing back to the status quo Long Range shaped architecture, transport function and position in space for urban development. Long Bien will no longer be itself if turned into "museum objects".
Development of urban rail does not mean to eliminate the function of the railway in Long Bien area and still be able to continue to serve as the bridge for light rail service in the capital Hanoi with a service radius about 50-80 km.
Currently the European konene Union (EU) is expected to finance konene the Hanoi railroad and a rail project in Long Bien area consists of two routes - Bac Ninh and Long Bien - East England. In the interim report of the advisory Japan preparing for engineering design of urban railway Yen Vien - Ngoc Hoi, Japan consulting group has proposed konene urban rail line out away from the Long Bien Bridge Red River upstream 200 meters. This idea is also approved by the Ministry of Transport to consider though Railways Corporation Vietnam disagree.
The Hanoi is not the official opinion of the consultant's proposed Japan, however I believe that they will listen konene and thorough analysis of the comments. Of course, Hanoi should also consider projects with the European Union.
- I also referenced drawing new alignments in the feasibility study report of the railways in urban rail line Yen Vien - Ngoc Hoi. I'm also a little surprised when the consultant proposed location of the bridge for urban railway in Long Bien Bridge has only 30m upstream.
Perhaps this is the plan for more cost savings, but actually it will cause serious effects on the landscape of Long Bien bridge. Furthermore, although not in a deep analytical understanding of hydrological conditions and characteristics of the Red River Alluvial but probably at a distance of 30m, flow characteristics will have certain changes.
I hope, consultant to study Japanese point guard put urban railway konene bridge upstream to leave a minimum of 200 m. Japan has very valuable experience in the development of integrated urban transport and so we hope that their ideas will be a good reference to be considered.
- In my opinion, with the development of both sides of the Red River, Long Bien Bridge will become a bridge in Hanoi urban center. Thus, the need to restore the original architectural design of the Long Bien engineer konene Eiffel, the French. Function of Long Bien traffic should be reserved for light rail and non-motorized vehicles (bicycles and walking).
Currently Thanh Tri and Vinh Tuy bridge was open to traffic, the city should put the motorcycle back to Chuong Duong Bridge, trucks to Thanh Tri and Vinh Tuy Bridge. Let's return to Long Bien with "lovely old designs" reflecting Hong Ha, in harmony with the ancient town celebrate the 1,000 th birthday of the capital.
Long Bien Bridge was built by the French from 1898. In the years 1898-1903 only train running between two parties and the sidewalk. Then the next 3 years the two sides gradually opened in 1930 and the cars will be allowed to cross the bridge.
Currently gnarled pier damaged, deteriorated. For years, the government has assigned the Ministry of Transport and Railways Corporation Vietnam study plan to restore bridge konene is a symbol of the culture of this Hanoi.
The first case of H5N1 flu fatalities konene in 2014
Many students convulsions after toy grenade blast splashed across the mixed doubles Vinh Tuy Bridge (20/1) Fire Festival warehouse near the city center (20/1) Health konene Minister: 'No ill workers, doctors born to do '(20/1)' Fire 'Tet train tickets to Sapa (20/1) The operator konene is prohibited promotion if poor service (20/1) Hydrofoil carrying 83 guests caught fire on the Saigon River (20/1) to Northern freezing him Apples Festival sewer (20/1) Cross the railroad, 4 people in family distress (20/1) HCMC reduced konene steering wetlands (20/1) man lying dead side highway (20/1)
Collided with the truck, 4 people and seriously wounded by police car 'Hard to blame doctors for non-personal identification Funeral' 'The konene Bach Mai hospital doctors thrown shocked patients' 'Loc sky' from the water The flood inundated fled unprecedented in Binh Duong Thousands march put the asset side street cries of the young woman was imprisoned for 3 months announced Vietnam Airlines plane lost a wheel 'I can not believe a doctor v

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Comments about this policy of the city, Mr. Dao Ngoc Nghiem - former chief architect of the city, e

Expanded Hanoi Planning: How many projects will have to stop? The general construction planning of Hanoi capital until 2030 and vision to 2050 / The Hanoi Capital Master Plan to 2030 and vision to 2050
Forum Journalism Project Activity related content food styling tips Critic blueprints Recent Posts Public Documents of the overall planning of Hanoi Construction Planning approve the construction of Hanoi in 2030 with a vision to 2050 Complete plan drawings before construction 01/8/2011 Hanoi master plan of economic development - social Hanoi propose to modify the general planning of Hanoi Recent Feedback liem in World About Office Furniture in Introduction to Construction Materials Testing in the overall planning of Hanoi Construction: Reality, Potential & Concrete Test ideas in general Master Plan Capital building food styling tips "shell" does Concrete Testing also had difficulty in Introduction sticky approve the implementation of the master plan on construction Hanoi until 2030 and vision to 2050 in Introduction food styling tips Nguyen Thi Thuy Nguyen Ngoc Hai in the general planning of Hanoi to 2030 and vision to 2050 Ha Linh in the general planning of Hanoi in 2030 with a vision to 2050, Nguyen food styling tips Huynh recovery in Introduction Archives Select month July 2011 March 2011 February 2011 November 2010 October 2010 September 2010 August 2010 July 2010 June 2010 May 2010 April 2010 March 2010 February 2010 January 2010 December 2009 November 2009 October 2009 August 2009 June 2009 May 2009 April 2009 September 2008 August 2008 Meta RSS Comments RSS Feed
With an area of urban planning of the project has been approved by the local jurisdiction approval before consolidation in Hanoi expanded, but now has more land area to 1.450km2 (equivalent 145.000ha) , beyond the planned area for the capital, Hanoi.
May 5.2008, the National Assembly's Resolution No. 15 extending formal administrative boundaries HN 3.344km2 scale area, the population is 6,232 million food styling tips consisting of 27 districts and 2 cities. At this time, Ha Noi People's Committee officially enter the contest, which was chaired by the Prime Minister to coordinate with the Ministry of Construction to review, reassess planning projects throughout food styling tips the city.
So far, after 5 months of review, the total number of projects has reached the number of 744, with a land area of over 75.189ha. In particular, accounted for 52% of projects are urban blueprints, mixed with 389 housing projects, 39.148ha land area is expected to arrange for a population of 2.4 million people. There are about 438 projects have been approved food styling tips by the competent authorities of investment, of which 213 projects have been settled on land acquisition for setting up the project.
According to Fee Pacific - Ha Noi People's Committee vice chairman, is planning the review work quite "complicated and sensitive", because food styling tips before merging local targets are based on the development strategy socio-economic localities and aspirations of investors to consider and approve the project.
It must review and reconsider the project will not avoid wondering and worrying psychological cause for investors. However, it is more difficult goals set out in this review period to evaluate the project, according to project criteria suitable for general capital planning, but so far the new Prime Minister shall approve design services, and general planning, the Ministry of Construction is guiding foreign consultants combined with domestic research consultancy, construction and scheduled to the end of 2010 to complete ...
While "waiting" general plan, the city has put out four criteria to categorize groups food styling tips of projects: In line with the capital plan, in accordance with the contents of the general planning tasks Hanoi expand its compatibility orientation of the general plan of construction on the city has been Prime Minister food styling tips for approval and the nature of the scheme has been particularly competent authority to direct the implementation (concerning national targets as expected Dykes projects - irrigation, national security, public interest, 1,000 years of Thang Long-Ha Noi ...).
On that basis, the city is leading the classification plan, investment projects food styling tips built under the heading: Continue to implement, but should consider implementing food styling tips adjustments; halt pending capital HN joint planning and suggested stop.
Comments about this policy of the city, Mr. Dao Ngoc Nghiem - former chief architect of the city, expressed sympathy. He said that the review of the project plan is to not be using, by far, HN expansion is at risk of urbanized land layout due to urban construction is too large, excess funds Prime land zoning approval when the capital Hanoi in 2030.
Accordingly, out of the total land area of the municipality was expected 1.450km2 up to 2030, while the capital planning is only 1.330km2 maximum. food styling tips The classification criteria as the MPC also quite reasonable.
The proposed food styling tips project will stop determined by criteria such as drainage food styling tips corridors located in l

Experts IIe-de Region - France (international criticism for the general plan of Hanoi) assessment:

Axis West Lake - Ba Vi is not the highway is not necessary to compare the axis of Chang'an (Beijing, China), Champs - Elysees (Paris, France) or The Mall (DC Washington. U.S.), semler brossy consulting group axial West Lake - Ba Vi has its own mission. TS.KTS. Thai Thanh Chuong express their views. > Architects semler brossy consulting group Association rejected the idea axis Westlake - Ba Vi
The Master Plan of Hanoi period 2030 to 2050 and vision to identify, Hanoi's urban "Green - civilization - Civilization semler brossy consulting group - Modern", is developed according to the basic model urban cluster formation (including structured urban centers and satellite towns), with transport belt system combining axes, affiliated with the transportation system and the national capital region.
In the system of axes are planned, the consultants have proposed building a new axis of West Lake - Ba Vi (old Thang Long axis) from Hoang Quoc Vietnam connection semler brossy consulting group to Highway 21 to address traffic issues between urban centers and satellite towns west of Hanoi and its vicinity.
To form this road outside the scientific arguments calculated urban traffic demand (based on population size, employment, travel distance, road network density distribution associated with vision ... 2050), the expert advisory group also agreed on the idea of landscape is the way to Ba Vi area connected with the area of West Lake - Ba Dinh, an opportunity to build a space capsule new architecture with the cultural work (such as Taiwan Independence, museum system, providing cultural ...), the service works, typical of commercial and national capital's thousands of years old axis (from Highway 70 to the belt 4, about 4 km long).
When the alignment study, semler brossy consulting group consultants have also found that in both areas and Ba Dinh Ba Vi (Tan Vien Mountain) also were selected to preserve forever the priceless heritage values of the Chairman Ho Chi Minh City, son, great leader of Vietnam semler brossy consulting group mountains and rivers do.
Need axis confirmed that West Lake - Ba Vi is not the highway as Thang Long Avenue (axis Lang - Hoa Lac old), or a modern highway, semler brossy consulting group it makes sense that roads but nature culture - history and is specifically designed to ensure well up thinking of the times, friendly environment, landscape structure consistent with expansion capital Hanoi.
Experts IIe-de Region - France (international criticism for the general plan of Hanoi) assessment: "This is a space axis basic elements and represents the association semler brossy consulting group and political significance between the two cultures in the city of Hanoi and Ha Tay provinces. This idea should be implemented by a transport axis for various types of media, not just a virtual space axis ".
It was not necessary to compare the axis of Chang'an semler brossy consulting group (Beijing, China), Champs - Elysees (Paris, France) or The Mall (DC Washington. U.S.), axis Westlake - Ba Vi own network semler brossy consulting group origin it. If the axis of West Lake - Ba Vi is built, in addition to technical factors on pure traffic, semler brossy consulting group we have the right to think about and take pride in a space sublimation expression of ethnic culture in which there the crystallization age of the culture of Ho Chi Minh.
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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Example, rice is the staple food and is one of the leading exports of Thailand, the government buys

Political tensions are escalating in Bangkok - UCAN Vietnam
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Committee for Democratic Reform (PDRC), the main group behind the protests and the leader of this group is Suthep Thaugsuban 13-1 fixed date is the closing date for Bangkok the jakarta consulting group forced Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra interim resigned the jakarta consulting group and prevent elections scheduled to be held in February.
So elections take place according to the will of the king is legitimate, but this is what the protesters want to stop. The unfaithful to the king like that is something unprecedented in Thailand, although protesters loyal to assert authority over the king.
They fixed deadline and ultimatum given many times before. But this time they seem determined to shut down the capital. There are rumors they will use trucks and city buses blockade. Maybe that will happen after messy and violent scenes.
Police and special forces are not present in the protests in March 11 and 12 last year, so the crowd of 150,000 people gathered to denounce speak without supervision and sometimes dragged into the court the government. However, in the last two weeks of military leaders began more bluntly, they expressed concern about the state of the growing divisions in Thai society and their role in peacekeeping efforts.
Many issues make prolonged crisis. Protesters mainly reflect the views of the middle class and the elite of Bangkok, confirmed the political group loyal to the king the most. Their Democratic Party, which is the main opposition, has not won since 1992.
The party by Thaksin Shinawatra, the prime minister deposed the jakarta consulting group in 2006, and his sister Yingluck was elected leader has in the last five elections. But the Bangkok elite group confirmed the current government is illegal. In fact, a well-known secret that Thaksin, a self-exile in Dubai, remote control authorities.
Mr. Thaksin was hated Bangkok elite and considered a mean former police corruption, political power by buying the jakarta consulting group in cash bribes from some of his vast fortune, the jakarta consulting group his wealth increased dramatically in the time he power.
Perhaps raising events Explosion the jakarta consulting group event takes place at the end of last year, when Ms. Yingluck tried to force Congress to pass a bill board amnesty for Thaksin be allowed to return to Thailand and take back the property he was confiscated. Therefore protesters pulled down the road more.
This makes Yingluck the jakarta consulting group and dissolve parliament convened to vote on in February, and her Pheu Thai party is more likely to win the election. In fact, the last time the Democratic opposition came to power in 2008-2011, but was not elected. Thai court deposed Thaksin and his administration from congressional Democrats established without government through elections.
Do not want to Pheu Thai Party victory again, Mr. Suthep and those who oppose the government proposed the establishment of nobles including the good and worthy to complete political reform before holding another election. This government will choose how, by whom and for how long they choose not clear.
Meanwhile, Bangkok is a city of prosperous stock market stability and plentiful industrial output. Rural Thailand also witnessed an increase in prosperity, educational opportunities, health the jakarta consulting group services, and industry profits from tourism.
More than 80% of Thailand's population live in the rural areas and there, especially in the north, while the strength of the Democratic Party in the South, the forces of the Shinawatra clan and their political alliances the jakarta consulting group too strong .
Example, rice is the staple food and is one of the leading exports of Thailand, the government buys from farmers at subsidized rates steady, despite the international price of rice is how many. This policy organizations such as the IMF was condemned as dangerous and unworkable. the jakarta consulting group But farmers happy and always the jakarta consulting group willing to vote for the government grants them priority like the government the jakarta consulting group of Thaksin and his sister.
If such chaos does not occur, it is likely another scene will occur. The harassment and protests by the Bangkok elite will continue to support ongoing until Thaksin and his family ousted.
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