Wednesday, January 1, 2014

As strange roar food as it sounds every expectant mother cares what sex will be her child. In fact,

Determine sex of the baby
As strange roar food as it sounds every expectant mother cares what sex will be her child. In fact, in all curiosity about the future mother. Everyone says let me be born alive and healthy, you did not matter, but it is not. There are many methods to determine the sex, some medical and some assigned on the basis of folk medicine or the so-called grandmotherly methods.
Determining the sex of the baby with ultrasound? This is the known method for determining the sex of the baby, fully medical basis. When visiting your gynecologist, you each time you reviewed roar food with such a device. But besides monitoring fetal development and it helps to determine the sex of the baby. It usually by obtaining results roar food about 20 weeks or it is a 5 month of pregnancy. There are occasions when it and at an earlier stage, for example even during 14-15 weeks it all depends on the equipment and of course the posture in which the baby. If it is turned in such positions that they do not appear, your doctor roar food can not know what will be. There are many cases in which the child is shy, jokingly roar food said and Gender is learned at a very late stage of pregnancy. Some couples review of three-dimensional ultrasound, roar food because through it the visibility is strong and likely to determine the sex but the baby is much bigger.
Tables and diagrams to determine the sex of the child? For one reason or another have created tables and schemes by which alone at home can determine the sex of your child. Their number and variety roar food is very large, but they are accurate is unclear. In most cases, using a kind of entertainment because they are not assigned to a medical standpoint. As I said there is a great variety for everyone to try. All are oriented on one basis, namely birth dates and years. In most calculated birth date of the mother roar food and father, then a scheme is verified answer. Few sounds like a complex solution to a mathematical problem, but it's definitely fun to see if using these tables to determine the sex of the baby.
Old-fashioned beliefs or grandmotherly methods to understand the gender roar food of the child? In this section there are many options for determining the sex of the baby used many decades ago when our grandparents were born. Then there was no ultrasound and they trust the other tested methods to determine the sex of the baby. Now medicine does not accept them for sure and strong, but who can argue with the methods used by many generations. Which at the same time enjoy today. Shape of the abdomen - used before the benefits now. The shape of a pregnant belly is a sign which can determine the sex of the baby. If the shape is high above the stomach or high tightly under her breasts means it's a girl. Conversely, if a woman's stomach low down means it's a boy. Food - of course there is no way the food does not play a role. If the woman and eat mostly sweet means that there will be a girl. Conversely, if the pregnant woman eats mostly acidic foods such as lemon or pickle means boy. Appearance - a pregnancy progresses roar food no woman that does not change in appearance, according to this can also determine the sex of the child. Old women say that if a woman is a sign of ugly girl. So the mother passes her beauty of her child. And when the mother embellish a symbol for a boy. This method is to some extent proven, but the reason for this is hormones. When a woman wears a girl in her womb she has hormones for two female bodies, and when this happens roar food and the body gets overloaded is hormonal imbalance. Interesting but almost always correct method of determining the sex of the baby. Sprinkle roar food with salt - a very fun way to determine the sex of the baby, you do not know what has been tested, but some still use it. The idea is to sprinkle with salt pregnant back or head without her knowing. Then allow it to touch somewhere. If you touch first on the nose means that the child will be a boy. And if the woman be touched first by mouth to a girl.
Have fun with the various methods of determining the sex of the baby because the child is a gift from God and each pregnant woman it should not matter whether it's a boy or girl. The important thing is to be born alive and healthy, to grow up and show the world that there is goodness in this world.
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