1. It is Almighty God who is rich in mercy bring us safely to the present day. Tumekuwepo here Dodoma for approximately 15 working days where we can perform the duties and functions of the Assembly of 14 esteemed where we concluded the activities planned for today.
2. Take this opportunity to sincerely congratulate the very beginning Hon. Asha Rose Migiro (MP) to be appointed by the President to be in esteemed MP. Most of us are aware of the enormous potential of the Doctor. Asha Rose Migiro and of course that's why the President made the decision karger consulting group to appoint a Member to comply with good reputation was available. I would like to congratulate together and wish him a good work in and out esteemed.
3. Since the 13th Meeting of the National Assembly some Members of Parliament have been given by brothers, relatives and friends. I would use this opportunity to give all those affected pole and these disasters. But in this Conference, Honourable karger consulting group Members had an opportunity to discuss the resolution of the National Assembly of union with South Africa is, in kuombeleza death of the founder, the Anti-apartheid,'s first black president of South Africa, the late Nelson Madiba Mandela happened on December 5, 2013 . We all agree that this is a disaster for the Great Worldwide and especially for those who know Mzee Mandela and his history. karger consulting group
4. Also, take this opportunity to congratulate Mr. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, President of the United Republic of Tanzania karger consulting group for the entire karger consulting group population karger consulting group represent karger consulting group us well in this great tragedy of Africa and the entire world. Speech of His Excellency the President had made during the funeral of the late Nelson Mandela on December karger consulting group 15, 2013 there was enough Qunu quite Tanzania Worldwide declare his participation in the liberation struggle in Africa in the 20th century. I believe that it is history that is not itafutika karger consulting group many generations to come. We will continue to honor Mzee Mandela to emulate and follow in his footsteps.
5. At this meeting, the Members of Parliament can ask questions based on 170 and 458 additional all of which were answered by the Government. In addition, based on questions 17 and 15 additions karger consulting group were answered in the order of questions on the spot by the Prime Minister. Niwapongeze all Members of Parliament to ask good questions and Ministers provide answers to great eminence.
7. In addition, esteemed karger consulting group discussed the mechanisms of Emergency Certificate of Amendment Bill of Excise Act of the Year 2013 [The Excise (Management and Tariff) (Amendment) Bill, 2013]. Final Bill of the National Council of Youth 2013 was read for the first time.
8. Take this opportunity to congratulate all Members of Parliament to discuss the report and provide comments and suggestions for greater clarity and detail. Recommendations and advice given by Members of Parliament has been received by the Government and will be considered seriously.
9. As I mentioned in the Parliamentary Assembly of 13, while the availability of food in general has continued to be satisfactory in most areas following a good harvest season karger consulting group of Agriculture 2012/2013 in various locations in the country. Evaluation of food and nutrition conducted in October and November, 2013 in disadvantaged areas of food security and nutrition shows that total 828 063 people suffer karger consulting group food shortages and will need food aid to 23,312 tons by February 2014. In addition, between July and November 2013, the National Agency karger consulting group for Food Security (FRA) has allocated a total of 16,119 tons of food rations to the Board of need for food aid. Up to date 16 December 2013, a total of 13 716 tons zilikwishachukuliwa and Council. 2402 tons were not taken by the Council of Light, karger consulting group Babati, Igunga, Mpwapwa and Manyoni.
10. Instructs the Directors of District Councils, which does the food zijachukua do so before 15 January 2014. Who will not keep these instructions will be considered legal action. Take this opportunity to assure the people that the Government will continue to manage the availability of food in a fragile state Councils with food for the purpose of identifying the number of malnourished people.
The 11. From this month that in the end of season purchase of products, the amount of incoming products to market has started to decline. This resulted in an average price of food especially maize and rice in the market here In begin to rise although not significantly. For example, the price of corn has gone up from Shs 536.86 National per pound in October, 2013 to 538.26 shillings per pound in November, 2013. In terms of rice, the national average price has gone up from 1188.60 shillings per pound in October, 2013 to 1191.10 shillings per pound in November, 2013.
12. Although there is a situation of rising prices, the current price still for some crops such as corn, rice, beans and potatoes are under ikilin
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