Wednesday, January 29, 2014

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VICE-President Dr. Mohamed Gharib Bilal yesterday opened the annual meeting of the Research compiled by the Institute for Research in the Poverty Eradication (REPOA). The conference was held in Dar es Salaam and insist that, to Tanzania and communities to achieve real progress, change must necessarily exist. He said the economic and social development in the country, might be logically changing society and each other accountable for her she did not otherwise. Dr.. Bilal said it is the duty of every Tanzanian to work with effort, knowledge, caring patriotism, fear enjoyment, desire to accumulate wealth. We say that the speeches of Dr.. Bilal, food styling and photography has great meaning for the present generation to see the importance of flexibility in order to keep a good foundation food styling and photography for life with determination and hard work. Advice of the leader is due to the fact that poverty in a large community of Tanzanians not alien vocabulary food styling and photography since the reign of the late Mwalimu Julius Nyerere. The key to success in their life or solve a problem linalomsibu, He would reveal it first must eradicate poverty everyone involved should know who is poor? There is a concept that says, anyone who receives income food styling and photography under a dollar a day is poor. Some economic experts and they say, a man mahitahi sure to obtain necessary as food, shelter and clothing are not poor. In terms of food, are looked after one's ability to afford three meals a day. In shelters are looked food styling and photography after house in which he lives with his family and how awavyoweza meet the needs of the day. There are those who say Tanzania is among the poor countries that is measured by the lack of national income for the year, the use of poor technology, food styling and photography lack of essential services for some people, infrastructure poor, debt, access to safe water and limited ability to generated food styling and photography in agriculture and industry. Due to these measures, the group believes the Nation and its people are poor because their thinking zinawatuma it. Our belief is that a major contributor for many Tanzanians are living desperate poverty of thought force not be afraid to work hard and diligently to bring about development. For example, someone has a big field with trees instead of finding experts to afuge bees and produce honey, sees better buy ax to cut logs and charcoal or selling wood. The concept of poverty causes some people not to realize the future of their lives so they fought a war to fight poverty makes it to practice.
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