Thursday, May 29, 2014

According rieder smart elements to the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor, Aizoon Nóos served the Institute

Juan Llama: The Infanta Cristina business genius | Tribune Europe
TdE / La Infanta Cristina, has been excluded from the investigation hanging over businesses Inaki Urdangarin, has made the news because after investing 1,503 euros in Aizoon, the developer she shared with her husband, managed to win 571,000 euros in three.
This company was created by the Dukes of Palma on February 11, 2003, investing a total of 3,006 euros between the two, the minimum required by law. In 2007, when Cristina presented the corresponding income statement rieder smart elements for 2007 was allowed rieder smart elements to see the revenue to Doña Cristina was 572,406 euros, discounting the Equity leaves a profit of 570,903 euros. rieder smart elements
According rieder smart elements to the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor, Aizoon Nóos served the Institute, Don Iñaki chaired from 2004 to 2006, and managed to raise money mainly from Valencia rieder smart elements (3.5 million euros), Illes Balears (3 million euros). Thus, 95% of the benefits of Aizoon came from the proceeds rieder smart elements of Nóos. Also, the other 5% came from Nóos Strategic Consulting, a company created rieder smart elements by Diego Torres and Inaki Urdangarin.
It's rieder smart elements what has this alien race, which since Felipe V, the first specimen, and its official entry into Madrid on April 14, 1701 (330 years later could fix things, but the Marxists prevented) have not stopped "borbonear", ie of robbing the Arks of the Empire, the Corona and our pockets, but, as is the institution ... all they cover and allow.? UNTIL WHEN??
It would be a good idea to call a demonstration in Madrid BY A NATIONAL SOCIAL REPUBLIC. REFERENDUM rieder smart elements NOW. One could seek the support of other patriots and Republican forces as the PNR, FE-JONS, ...
It seems very good idea excalibur comrade. The MSR should propose an initiative of such other forces deemed republican, social and national. Within this framework, which I already mentioned excalibur rieder smart elements particularly add AN and of course, autonomous groups rieder smart elements that would add.
Would not hurt either trying to organize rallies, demonstrations, events, ... together with other forces on topics such as decent housing, against banks, against rieder smart elements evictions, against the political establishment, against the EU, ECB, World Bank, IMF and their bodies of repression ...
There are many social conflicts and today many fronts at national and European level in which the parties and groups who claim to be social and national should have more presence and / or take the lead.
Damian, Excalibur, totally rieder smart elements agree with dos.No can take longer, hold political and social spaces, which are being neglected rieder smart elements in our struggle. You have to remove ground Marxists who complain about them so that nothing changes and follow the Liberal system running rieder smart elements with no one to question him and bury him.
the Bourbons were always cowards and traitors, while the people rieder smart elements of madrid memory the May 2, 1808 King borbon fernando VIII in exile in Bayonne napoleon congratulated by his military successes in Spain, later betrayed the people's will and disrespect Constitution of Cadiz of 1812. entire lineage borbonica are disgusting and do not represent us so what better claim 3rd social rieder smart elements and national republic. rieder smart elements
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