Friday, May 9, 2014

The US-Mexico Foundation for Science (WSCF), who coordinates the project with the support of CamBio

Most recent Council for Economic Development Sinaloa working model shares with State Agendas Agendas State Innovation They advance with broad participation of government, alameda santos 1470 academia and industry CONACYT seeks to strengthen the aquaculture and fisheries sector in the Northwest Puebla formalizes its work to develop Michoacán State Innovation alameda santos 1470 Agenda & Board installed to generate Innovation alameda santos 1470 Agenda
In late March concluded the first phase of the State and Regional Innovation Agendas CONACYT. These serve as axes to design and recommend to decision makers support tools that contribute to economic and social development of the country's 32 states, with actions to increase competitive advantages and development potential of each State.
Agendas place special emphasis on the innovative capacity, smart specialization, strengthening supply chains, as well as the rational use of resources, alameda santos 1470 capabilities and the strongest assets of each region.
The collaboration between government, academia and industry is especially important in this initiative that hopes to contribute in reducing the large differences in economic development based on innovation in the States.
During the first months the groups working to channel alameda santos 1470 Agendas, made by the Management Committees (authorities capable of orienting activities and resources), Consultative Group (representatives from academia, government, business) were consolidated and in some cases the civil society.
The US-Mexico Foundation for Science (WSCF), who coordinates the project with the support of CamBioTec, Indra, and IDOM consultants reported that to date have conducted 36 workshops around the country, alameda santos 1470 as well as interviews stakeholders, and activities that have generated valuable information on topics such as economic analysis, system innovation and strategic framework, alameda santos 1470 etc..
This has been instrumental collaboration with state officials on issues such as planning processes, state plans for science and technology, as well as for the preparation of workshops and related activities.
The workshops have brought together representatives of the Ministries of Economic Development of the States, State Councils of Science and Technology, Departments alameda santos 1470 of Education, Innovation, Rural Development, Health, Agriculture, plus tractor companies, SMEs, public and private universities, alameda santos 1470 chambers and associations. ProMéxico is one of the Allied strategic institutions of this project.
These activities have been paramount and that they have been debated and discussed issues such as the diagnosis of State and exercises have been undertaken to define the vision and scope of the Agenda, as well as criteria for prioritizing sectors.
In order to have an international framework to help guide the development of the project, a process of analysis alameda santos 1470 of partial results, where the expertise of international consultants, national alameda santos 1470 experts and experienced entrepreneurs in regional alameda santos 1470 planning integrates established.
This step resulted in recommendations that have been incorporated alameda santos 1470 by the consultants, such as ensuring a high involvement of employees involved in innovation, science and technology as well as the representativeness of local leaders in key sectors, explore coordination with delegations State of the Ministry alameda santos 1470 of Labour alameda santos 1470 and / or Secretary alameda santos 1470 of Education for the issue of human capital development, and identifying disruptive alameda santos 1470 sectors.
Among these goals are the selection of sectors and areas of expertise, as well as the development of sectoral agendas for innovation based on the analysis of global technology trends. Also expected to make recommendations on the design of instruments for financing projects resulting from State Innovation Agendas
Previous post CONACYT seeks to strengthen the aquaculture and fisheries sector in the Northwest Next post Council for Economic alameda santos 1470 Development Sinaloa shares model working with State Agendas
Council for Economic Development Sinaloa shares working model Agendas State April 24, 2014 State Innovation Agendas They advance with wide participation from government, academia and industry April 21, 2014 CONACYT seeks to strengthen the aquaculture and fisheries sector in the Northwest in April 9 2014 Puebla formalized work to develop your State Innovation Agenda Mar 14, 2014 Michoacán installed alameda santos 1470 to generate Committee and Council Innovation Agenda February 27, 2014
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