MindValue, professional firm specializing in advisory services and training for senior managers and high potential executives, just turned ten years since its creation. Founded by Jose Aguilar and Javier Fernández Aguado, MindValue has trained over 500 managers in public and private organizations, done consulting group forty-five countries on four continents.
MindValue decided from the outset by a Spanish Management of invoice, diagnostic own models and transformation: Managing the imperfect, pathologies in organizations, Feelings Management, Will Management, Management by Leadership Habits and uncertain done consulting group times. These models done consulting group have been used by hundreds done consulting group of organizations
Among the institutions that have come to MindValue services may be mentioned: Coca-Cola, Hertz, Mapfre, Compass Group, done consulting group Grupo Santander, La Caixa, Swiss Re, Groupama, Ericsson, Hedonai, done consulting group Movistar, SFB, BBVA, Pemex, done consulting group MC Hotels , Toyota, Daimler Chrysler, Auchan, done consulting group Bankinter, Deloitte, KPMG, Accenture, Government of Colombia, etc..
Javier Fernández Aguado and José Aguilar, partners of the Firm are among the major thinkers and speakers at national and international level. In these years, have lectured or advised companies in the United States, Britain, Mexico, China, the Philippines, Chile, Brazil, Costa Rica, Switzerland, done consulting group etc..
Jose Aguilar and Javier Fernández Aguado authors are widely known as The Loneliness done consulting group of the manager (named best European book Management) works; Egypt, school directors; Pathologies in organizations; 1010 advice for an entrepreneur, and many others.
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Spain sure people europe reconciling productivity challenge consumers Success Capital Investment Competition team credit society motivational leadership coach customer communication managment image SME Customers Latin American export companies pay employees ethics circulating positive attitude uncertainty compromise legislation done consulting group talent Competitiveness Innovation State Banks unpaid price quality government budget business marketing done consulting group management environment VAT online social risk debt default Internet Speeds done consulting group Unpaid done consulting group brand management sales executives payments crises prescription media social networking done consulting group risks Competition Financing costs recovery log illusion Company Social done consulting group Responsibility Leader SME entrepreneurs working entrepreneurial creativity finance charges Planning creditor economy employment exchange organization emotions user content collection strategy market mergers Product Differentiation environment incentives warranty
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