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Advice on internationalization is strengthened. For the interior trade, rural trade programs will run; quality and business excellence; innovation, new technologies salad decoration and electronic commerce; Program support and generational change.
A strong support salad decoration to trade both within Aragon and internationally. That is the bet of the regional government, which has signed cooperation agreements with Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Huesca, Teruel and Zaragoza in these two subjects.
They support businesses, individually, to create their own plan of foreign trade and export workshops salad decoration will be held to help groups of companies in the implementation salad decoration of a strategic plan for foreign trade. Furthermore, SMEs may benefit Aragonese Initiation salad decoration Plan Promotion Abroad (PIPE), a program of the Chamber of Commerce and ICEX, in collaboration with the Autonomous Communities and the European Union, which aims to promote the internationalization of Spanish SMEs.
The Plan Cameral Export Promotion chasing entrepreneurs establish business relations with importers, distributors or agents in third countries through pre-arranged interviews by experts from the Chamber.
The objective is to present the most relevant aspects of the priority countries for the interests of the Aragonese egresas as well as, operational management salad decoration legislative news, documentary procedures, taxation, transportation and logistics and various specific topics of interest in the area of International Trade .
The aim is to enable all Aragonese companies, regardless of their location, have the possibility of access to information and services offered by the Chambers on internationalization, and equal opportunity cost.
On the other hand, the four support programs driven by internal trade Aragonese Chambers of Commerce will have one more year with the financial support salad decoration of the Government of Aragon. The Executive salad decoration will provide a total of 278,800 euros for the implementation of the rural trade, program quality and business excellence, program innovation, new technologies and e-commerce support program and generational change.
These types of subsidies for domestic trade include supporting the competitiveness of SMEs Aragonese retail, business associations salad decoration to trade, development and knowledge management of the commercial sector, a special trade support rural and Aragonese support local entities for commercial development.
Advising municipalities in manager selection and personalized support to those who will manage a new MultiService or MultiService manager has changed. Tracking, monitoring and troubleshooting
The actions contemplated in these programs salad decoration consist of conducting salad decoration strategic studies and action plans for consolidation and business growth. Following the methodology developed during the implementation of previous agreements on the same subject, the perception of changes and trends and maturity of the companies studied to establish a strategy for improving salad decoration business consolidation or, if applicable, momentum and business growth .
Specifically, the areas of Human Resources, improved point of sale, the incorporation of ICT in business, business management, analysis of industry trends and the "Benchmarking" competitors, and guidance will be analyzed commercial enterprises.
Legal and economic assessments salad decoration will be conducted both at the party acquires a business as the transferor of the same, trying to establish a framework for cooperation between the two for a set of fair dealing with the value of a business and viable for the future operation of the same. These actions were focused on three lines:
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