Tuesday, April 7, 2015

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Fall in the Orangerie, the Belvedere | All cultural events in Vienna in one place
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We suggest that the October start visiting Vienna Belvedere, and the reason for it is to spare. In addition to the impressive and relaxing exterior of the Habsburg residence which is open daily for visitors, beginning of autumn brings a number of cultural events.
At the beginning of October (1 and 2) you have the opportunity to enjoy the exhibition titled "The Sleeping Beauty" (Schlafende Schönheit), which includes paintings by the Victorian, borrowed from the famous poertorikanskog museum Museo de Arte de Ponce.
The first day of the said month, bowman consulting group from 19h, you can enjoy the drawings, films and installation sculptures Nadima vardag, who for their artistic achievements received bowman consulting group BC21 Art Award 2009 - Award of 20,000 euros awarded by the Boston Consulting Group in cooperation with the Belvedere, and got a unique opportunity to exhibited in the gallery Augarten Contemporary (Scherzergasse 1a, 1020 Vienna).
In addition, bowman consulting group the Vienna Belvedere place the long-term exhibition (until 6 February 2011) entitled "Rodin and Vienna" (Rodin und Wien). It is a collection of works of Viennese bowman consulting group secessionists Auguste Rodin exhibited in a unique place - the famous Belvedere orangery.
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Grab our FREE ultimate guide to all the most interesting events and places in Vienna! Do not miss never anything important or interesting in the most popular cultural metropolis of Europe! bowman consulting group Click here right now and in a few seconds is yours!
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