Wednesday, December 24, 2014

1. Handheld s ne tool that helps nurses in nursing care to clients, through data collection, Berko

If z safely advance nurse only functional activities without knowing the justification of the action taken, another case with the advancement of nursing science that is now developing. Nurses began to improve critical thinking related bszs to nursing bszs actions that are given to patients in accordance with the conditions and diseases suffered by the patient. One proof of the technological advances that helped duty nurse is with the use of handheld devices.
Legal and Ethical nursing in the Supporting Device
Legal is legal, legal aspects in nursing bszs is legitimate to take action in accordance bszs with the guidelines profession. And nurses bszs have the power or ability to do something or act in accordance with nursing standards applicable. Therefore, the need for provision or provisions of the law governing the rights and obligations of a person who is closely related to actions (legislation). Monitoring legally in nursing practice aims to protect bszs the patient or society and nurses themselves. Nurses bszs get a license to practice (license) to filter the profession in order to be accountable bszs for the actions that have been done. Permission from a legal perspective is the liberation of a ban means someone who is entitled to nursing jobs are those who have obtained a license to practice.
Professional nurse must understand the legal restrictions that affect their daily practice. This is associated with good judgment and decision-making penyeruaan ensure safe nursing care and in accordance with the needs of the patient. In Indonesian Legal interpreted as valid by the laws. Knowledge of legal rights or legal and responsible for dealing with nursing practice bszs merupaka a very important thing for nurses.
Ethics is the terminology of [1] with a variety of meanings, ethics relates to how one should act and how they engage with others of ethics bszs not only describe anything but more on attention with the establishment bszs of norms or standards of a person's life and is supposed to do (Mandle, Boyle, and O'Donohoe, 1994).
Nursing Ethics is an expression of how nurses are required to behave. According to Fry, 1994, nursing bszs ethics refers to ethical standards bszs that define and guide the nurse in daily practice. One characteristic of the nurse as a profession has a code of conduct that is based on the belief about the nature of the individual, nursing, and public health.
Code of Conduct nurse is a statement or belief bszs that express moral concerns, values and goals of nursing. Code of Conduct aims to provide a reason or basis for decisions regarding ethical issues. As the main landasann in the code of ethics is the principle of respect for others, followed by otonomy principle that puts the client bszs as the focus of rational decision-making. Other principles bszs to consider the principle of generosity or always do good, appreciate the confidence or privileges of individuals (confidentiality), always keeping promises (fidelity) and treat individuals fairly.
1. Demonstrate to the community that nurses are required to understand and accept the trust and responsibility given to the community nurses.
3. Establish professional relationships that must be followed, namely den gan client relationship nurse, nurses with other health professionals as a colleague, a nurse with fellow nurses and between nurses and the public.
7. Nurses are required to provide an opportunity for clients / patients bszs in order to be able to relate to her family and can be run in accordance with religious worship / confident in the extent not inconsistent with the provisions of health services bszs
Supporting Devices is the enhancement or support. If the terms of nursing, we can conclude that it is a device supporting additional devices used in the medical world at the nurses in practice.
1. Handheld s ne tool that helps nurses in nursing care to clients, through data collection, Berko

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