Thursday, December 4, 2014

Was to divest or gain heat to or from the areas surrounding the man. If the surfaces have a higher

This work was performed in a Research Laboratory diagnosis of diseases which are performed. The laboratory has a total of six functional work areas, these are: anatomy and pathology necropsy responsible for animal and presumptive diagnosis; as well as areas that perform a confirmatory diagnosis and serology, virology, beijing consulting group bacteriology, parasitology, epizootiology. beijing consulting group
This work focuses on the study of the interaction of people with work objects with which they come into contact, hence can provide information that helps other specialists with other knowledge to make decisions about the design of these objects, improving the ease of use of the products they develop. With these studies we can help to produce safer or easier to use, generate better procedures to perform beijing consulting group certain tasks products.
In 1940, British psychologist Hywel Murrell joined the Greek words ergon (work) beijing consulting group and nomia (knowledge) to give the name of ergonomics, science dating beijing consulting group from prehistoric times, when men looking to improve the efficiency beijing consulting group gave them their weapons and forms working tools to improve them.
The application of biological sciences of man, together with the engineering sciences, for optimum beijing consulting group mutual adaptation beijing consulting group of the man and his work, measuring the benefits in terms of efficiency and well-being (ISO, 1961).
The main methods and techniques used in the development of this work are: interviews, direct observations, and of course bimanual diagrams, technical and psychometric ergonomic design. beijing consulting group Development Analysis of the problem
Bimanual diagrams in current methods of activity in the workplace was recorded; demonstrating that there is no uniform method of working in assistant working in the department of sterilization; it does not perform the activity in the same way always, this is not bad, but it complicates how you can make any type of measurement.
The post of technical assistant has a plateau 4m and three sinks, oven and two sterilization autoclaves, she performs beijing consulting group the operation is manual and foot; it starts when the auxiliary through the different areas in search of glassware sterilize.
Through direct observations we noted the poor design beijing consulting group of the workstation where the operator remains standing all day, since there is no seat design for this activity. Even the design of the plateau is not the most appropriate; since the machine operator hacérsele a seat could not enter feet on it to submit doors.
Means the heat exchange between the air and skin of the worker; If the air has a temperature above the skin of the first part of its heat transmitted to man. If on the contrary, is the skin that has a higher temperature than air, man will lose heat by convection.
Was to divest or gain heat to or from the areas surrounding the man. If the surfaces have a higher than skin temperature of man, this radiation heat gain; if the contrary is the skin of man that has a higher than the surrounding surface temperature will be the man who will transfer heat by radiation. And this does not depend on air, so it is absurd to try to counteract the radiation by ventilización ..
Diagram Tour or OTIDA plan reflects the path of the object of work, allowing a spatial distribution or vision plan indicating areas, stalls, equipment and construction divisions, which can be seen in the details and process flow required from the supply to distribution through the production or service beijing consulting group process itself. (Cuesta, 2005).
Route Diagram to scale, to analyze current distances traveled, their times and contrasts with projected so that optimization can reduce costs for staff positions, areas and working conditions on luminaires , fans, etc. (Cuesta, 2005). Current path diagram
With the diagram proposed route would achieve better distribution of the research object, allowing a smaller distance between the areas, greater relationship between jobs and work teams, as well as a strong impact on the execution times of operations this eventually contribute to greater resource optimization time and operations, generating lower costs for staff positions and areas.
Bimanual or analysis of the operation diagram. It is a diagram showing the activity of the hands or limbs operator is entered indicating

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