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After a brief introduction to all the participants, followed kohnen by a brief discussion about the expectations of the participants (previously we had made a brief assessment to determine our expectations as a participant in connection with the implementation of the program ALAF), and this session was facilitated kohnen by Rob Lake as Executive Director of AFAO. In this discussion I have not forgotten express courier Setia Perdana to be able to learn and know a lot about the development and management of the activity or intervention programs aimed at Youth GWL in Australia. Followed by a brief description associated with the implementation of the MSM program in Indonesia, which is currently being undertaken by the NAC in 10 Provinces and 37 city / district (Financial kohnen support from AusAID), including activity-Hivos GF R10 ISEAN currently being undertaken by the Style Network kohnen Color Lantern, including the role of GWL-INA Network on activities implemented NAC for GWL community in Indonesia, and the support of health services and other stakeholders, and this session was facilitated by the Executive Director of AFAO.
After lunch, the next agenda of the "Understanding the Australian HIV Response - A Brief History of the Australian HIV Community Response & Coordinating stakeholder kohnen input to national policy framework". As a guest speaker in this session is Simon Donohoe (Manager, AFAO Education), Linda Forbes kohnen (Manager, Policy and Communications AFAO), Sean Slavin (Assistant Director and Manager of Research Programs NAPWA, and Edward kohnen Reis (International kohnen Division & Deputy CEO, ASHM) . From the first day of the last discussion of this, I get a lot from the experience of the Australian government and relevant parties, when jointly pursue a program strategy in addressing and responding kohnen to the problems caused by HIV, especially for gay and MSM communities in Australia (for the issue of HIV in TG community in Australia is considered not to be a threat than in the Gay community and MSM, HIV prevalence in the community because Australia kohnen Shemale low).
So a remarkable experience that I can share today, may mas Mslamet Raharjo kohnen also be added to share stories about what was obtained on the first day of activities ALAF.
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