Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Did you know? See what really enjoy men after sex!

A couple from Alaska decided to go to Florida for holidays in December, to escape a bit of snow and frost. food stylists They arranged to stay in the same hotel where they spent, years ago, and the honeymoon. Since both had jobs, they arranged the man reaches Wednesday and his wife Thursday. Reaching the husband food stylists at the hotel the day before, I am pleased that the rooms now have and H / Y and decides to send an e-mail to his beloved gynaikoula. Accidentally but forgets a letter by e-mail and sends it without knowing the consequences of innocent error. In Houston, a widow had just returned from her husband's funeral and went to H / Y ticked condolences e-mails (so done in America) from friends and relatives. Upon reading the first, falls dry, syncope floor. There he finds her shortly after her son, and looking at the screen of the open computer, read the first e-mail and he suffers and the plate. PROS: my beloved wife. TOPIC: I arrived !! "I know how surprised you get mail from me. Have laptop now here and you can send wherever you want. Once I arrived food stylists and went inside. Everything is set for you that will come tomorrow. I look forward to see you. I hope you had as good journey with me. Postscript: Very hot down here !!! "
Found a day in hell a Greek, an American and an Indian. Their encounters the devil and tells them:
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Did you know? See what really enjoy men after sex!
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