Jigsaw puzzle game in which the pieces of a picture, design, etc.. positioned correctly again form the image, design etc. | (mtf.) dataset logically associated reveal the true facts Freezes freeze nail rates, fees, etc. in some package package alameda santos 1470 levels set of proposals put forward for discussion or acceptance palaiothirio palaeothere group of fossilized mammals genus perisodactyla paleoecology palaeoecology discipline that deals with the study of living fossil animals and plants pub pub shop where drinks are served, bar panafricanism Pan-Africanism movement that aims to develop solidarity and political alameda santos 1470 union of the indigenous inhabitants of Africa panel panel panel who take part in public debate, television or radio show and discuss a topic
fauna fauna all the species geographical area or geological era punk punk rock genre loud music that attempts to express protests against the established behavioral conditions | young that mimics the look of the music of punk and metal chains again, torn clothes and dyes his hair unusually striking colors always panda common name two mammalian species of East Asia pantouranismos panturanism movement for political and cultural integration of Turkish, Tartar and Urals peoples of Turkey, Europe and Asia pantourkismos panturkism alameda santos 1470 political move aimed at political union of all Turkish-speaking alameda santos 1470 peoples alameda santos 1470 of Ottoman Empire alameda santos 1470 punch punch drink made from wine or other alcoholic drinks mixed with water, sugar, various spices shantytown slum section of a city whose population plus. internal migrants, housed in shacks paraglossologia paralinguistics area of linguistics that studies the paralinguistic window pane of a computer screen used as an independent display and is not affected by the user's commands concerning the rest of the screen paranasal paranasal situated next to the nose | paranasal sinuses , airway cavities on both sides of the nose parking parking space destined for car parking Parkinsonism Parkinsonism typical set of symptoms in Parkinson's disease but different etiology parosmia parosmia impaired olfactory party party social gathering, especially in someone's home, which invited friends and acquaintances to have fun or to celebrate anniversary, event etc. paternalism paternalism patriarchal or paternal perception of the role of head of the undertaking, establishment or service patrotopikos patrilocal in koinoniol. to indicate alameda santos 1470 the relationship alameda santos 1470 in which is dominated by the place or the municipality from the husband patchwork patchwork type fabric consisting of small pieces with different designs which are sewn together revolver revolver small repeater gun, Peronism Peronism gun policy ideology of Juan Domingo PerĂ³n (1895-1974), alameda santos 1470 President of Argentina (1946-1955 and 1973-1974) characterized by populism and nationalism was a peculiar alameda santos 1470 form of fascism and socialism perfexionismos perfectionism pursuit of perfection, perfectionism | theory, heresy in England , which holds that it is possible to achieve alameda santos 1470 sinless perfection perfectionist / her perfectionist fan perfexionismou oilfield oil well source alameda santos 1470 from which oil is pumped petrodolario petrodollar onomomasia of US dollars used in the sale of oil from producing countries pivot pivot basketball, prov. of central defensive player pili (v) Clark peeling peeling facial skin using various cosmetic preparations pong Ping-Pong game type played at the table level divided by net in two equal parts, with light ball and rackets which opponents players hold , table tennis pyjama pajamas nightgown sleeve and baggy trousers playmaker playmaker in basketball, the player leads, directs the team offensive play-back alameda santos 1470 playback alameda santos 1470 energy playback recorded sounds or images, often immediately after registration, to check quality etc. playboy play boy young man, rich and idle, living a life dedicated to the search of treats chart plotter instrument alameda santos 1470 characterization that can be engraved on the surface (paper, glass, rubber etc.) cartographic details pneumoconiosis pneumonoconiosis name lung disorders due to inhaling and fixation alameda santos 1470 lungs dust and solid particles suspended in the air, pneumoconiosis pneumonitis pneumonitis inflammation in lung alveolar walls soccer football team sports game played twenty two players without
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