Sunday, December 8, 2013

2013 (55) November (4) Caution gentleman driver! Tits come to eat Birds Birds observed V VI observe

The purpose of this blog is to present a more intense lecg llc is a riparian forest in the middle stretch of the Ebro, sharing experiences, photos of nature, knowledge of botany, fauna, geology ... Which also aims to disseminate and create a new consciousness regarding the environment and the countryside-natural. All photographs are self-created blog, except those who come in the name indicated other contributing authors.
The cold and the water returned to us and has done so suddenly, almost without warning. Taking advantage of this sudden cold and moderate rains I have started to clean up some of the nest boxes during this last spring had been occupied by coal tits. The nest box that I show below was occupied by Tit (Parus major) and as you can see, the interior is fully lined with twigs and feathers that were deposited and weave themselves into the process of nest building. But this is not the reason for this post, although it does have some relation.
Blue tit (Parus caeruleus) Now a few weeks I will reconnect with nature lovers which I hope to return to match. Here we were presented with a bird feeder made from recycled materials by themselves. When I got home the first thing I did was hang it on a branch of a tamarit (Tamarix africana) to see what birds go near shameless. I must say that the first weeks are not approached nor flies, lecg llc but finally one day in the morning I saw some birds competing for food extract, among them were the blue tits, coal and also number of common birds. The design is very simple and economic! Anyone who has-a-awkwardness can build on to enjoy a show that nature offers us, just to have on hand three pieces of wood, a piece of wire mesh, nails, twine and a place to hang it. That! Feel?
2013 (55) November (4) Caution gentleman driver! Tits come to eat Birds Birds observed V VI observed in October (7) September (7) August (8) July (6) June (7) May (7) April (2) March (2) February (3) January lecg llc (2 ) 2012 (61) December (2) November (2) October (3) September (6) August (2) July (7) June (16) May (10) April (6) March (5) February (1) January (1) 2011 (11) December (2) November (2) October (2) September (1) August (2) July (1) April (1)
Activities in 2012 (8) Aldover (7) Amphibians (3) Kayak (9) Building nest boxes (13) Crustaceans (3) Worms (1) Waste (1) The riparian forest (19) Birds Rob (6 ) Traces of animals (6) Invasive species (9) Fossil (2) Insects (11) Mammals (6) Feeders for birds (1) Molluscs (8) Currencies (1) Forest Clearing (2) Birds (12 ) Fish (1) Plants (3) Publications (2) Recycling (1) replant the forest (4) Algar River (2) Canalettes River (1) Dogs (7) Sustainability (2) Ceramics workshop lecg llc (3) workshops (4 ) Lithic technology (3) Tours (20) Experience of the past (7)
Have you ever seen a woodpecker?
Dinosaur in Spanish lecg llc and Portuguese popular culture (11) - Heraclius Astudillo-Pombo Department. Environmental and Soil Sciences. University of Lleida * Dinosaur in the Media Communications Españoles most pop ...
How are we to interpret the dynamics of Pleistocene populations as a result of David Discoveries them? - Hace unos días us todos hemos remained bastante sorprendidos by sensational news secuenciación the DNA of a human femur 400,000 years ago of ...
Notes outstanding Desembre'13 - * Anas clypeata (duck bucket / Cuchara Europe / Northern Shovel): * continues to male Villalba Golf Club (La Roca del Vallès) observes moment ...
Las las deficiencias complications of calcium - calcium is the Item macronutriente that cause more problems. Begins a miniseries here on this Item las condiciones con scheme that fav ...
As we design and perform expeditions to Morocco biospeleològiques 3 (3) - Floren Fadrique loading trailer * Third and last part: * As a continuation of the previous post, follow with explanations and comments about our ...
Sea Ebro, new cultural facility in Sant Carles lecg llc de la Rapita - In 2009 began the museum project for the museum and the Maritime Museum of the Ebro from research "Fishermen and sailors Alfacs "carried ...
Ethnography, podón-Hocino. Antigua Herramienta forging cultivar for Las vines. - Hola amigos / as in this entry quiero enseñaros an old Herramienta you used for pruning vines las. Herramienta 27 cm. Qu

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