Note: The work was written in Catalan but incorporates paragraphs Old Catalan, Spanish, menu de vips Latin and Spanish Town, be careful with your reading and machine translators. The name "Manresa" is undoubtedly menu de vips the name of population that is most parts of the world. You can find any continent as a city or town, college or university; street or square, newspaper, radio or television. The popularity of the brand "Manresa" or thanks is due to St. Ignatius of Loyola. Don Inigo de Yañez Oñaz (Azpeitia 1491, Rome 1556) (best known for making the adaptation into Spanish menu de vips of his name: Ignacio López de Loyola). It was a noble Basque militant but the Spanish royal house, changed the sword to the cross in Manresa, where he spent a year (1522-1523) and a natural cave near the river Cardoner, menu de vips was inspired to create the company Jesus. The Jesuits have radiated from that cave, called Manresa around the globe. (Photo Ignatian and Wik) Despite the name Ignatius is known worldwide and is well connected with the Jesuits, his parents decided menu de vips to put the name in memory of another Ignatius that preceded menu de vips it and that is very little known despite being one of the fathers of the church. Ignatius of Antioch, written a lot of letters, bishop and martyr menu de vips lived and died in the first century, the controversy over the authorship of his writings had already begun in the sixteenth century and still lasted into the nineteenth century, I have a book that despite recognizing the quantity and quality of their written questions it. A reference in this door we Ignatius Lucio Dextro in his "Chronicon", page 24 says that the events of the year is not exactly 216 in the first century: "... menu de vips Epiftolae. S.Ignatij ad . B. Virginia habëtur celebrate ... " menu de vips
This work differs from the information and books can be found on the life of St. Ignatius, makes a foray into the process of canonization that took place a few years after his death when there were still witnesses who had known in life. The Inquisition had no work in the background inquisitors were members of communities (Franciscans, Dominicans) who regarded the Jesuits as some new competitors in a saturated market of monastic orders. Already living the Inquisition had tried and jailed a couple of times, thought that he had enough training to preach theological matters.
In addition, work will take us to the places he visited Manresa Ignatius. End with a brief presentation of artistic performances from different artists around the world who have been inspired by Ignatius.
Due to the war, there are places that no longer exist in this case helps us scanned photographs of different books late nineteenth or early twentieth century, all the pictures today, you must understand what the author work but says the source.
Ignatius wearing a life Menswear (court, women, good life) when being seriously wounded in the leg in 1521 while defending the city of Pamplona face the French, he understood that it would be dedicated as then matters not war. After reading a few books of mystical tendency, one of the "Flos Sanctorum" (the book is used by more painters and sculptors to know the lives, the colors of the dresses or attributes menu de vips of saints), decided that he wanted being "saint" as if it depended on the vanity or desire for ourselves and it was therefore believed that pilgrims to the Holy Land, so it had to go off to Barcelona to be able to embark, but first wanted menu de vips to spend Montserrat , at that time Barcelona remained closed for pest problems and could not enter or leave the city. He decided to wait for Manresa. By chance or divine plans, the city became universal.
In Manresa had mystical experiences and spiritual abductions that helps transform royal knight Knight of the Virgin. He acknowledged that in the cave near the river received menu de vips a divine revelation which is known as "Enlightenment Cardoner exempted" from which he wrote his Spiritual Exercises. menu de vips When he arrived at Manresa came on Montserrat have changed all their knightly attire for a sack and a rope being his belt. Witnesses remembered Ignatius (the bogeyman) with a notebook where I kept writing down everything that came after, paid community service at the hospital in exchange for a minimum subsistence doctrine taught, caught for money and food which then spread menu de vips among more than he needs. His precarious health made him ill
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