The development of human civilization is accompanied by the development of the delivery of information (hereinafter referred to as information technology), ranging from images meaningless in the cave walls, laying milestone in the form of inscriptions, until the introduction of the world flow of information known as the Internet .
In this day and age, information technology and communications made by humans to function as a system for the recognition of human forms known. To illustrate the information obtained, pomptonian food service they describe it on the walls of the cave on hunting and prey animals. At this time, people began to identify the objects that exist around their neighborhood, then portrayed on the walls of the cave where he lives. Beginning their communication in this age range in the form of sound just grunts and using hand signals.
In prehistoric times began to be created pomptonian food service and used tools that produce sounds and cues, such as drums, trumpets made of animal horns, and smoke cues as a means of giving warning of the danger.
For the first time, the writing used by the Sumerians to the use of symbols formed pomptonian food service from piktografi as letters. Symbols or letters is also to have a sound (mention) are different so that they can be a word, sentence, and language.
In 2900 BC, the Ancient Egyptians use hieroglyphs. A hieroglyphic language of symbols, where each phrase is represented by a different symbol. If these symbols are combined into one circuit, it will produce a different meaning. Hieroglyphic writing and the language is more advanced than Sumerian writing. pomptonian food service
In 500 BC, humans already know how to make papyrus fibers from trees growing around the river Nile. Papyrus fibers can be used as paper. Paper made from papyrus tree fibers become a medium for writing or media to convey information that is more powerful and flexible than the previous slab of clay is also used as a medium of information.
At this time, the Chinese managed to find the paper. Paper invented by the Chinese in this period is the paper we know today. This paper made from bamboo fibers are crushed, filtered, washed, and then flattened and dried. The invention also enables the printing system is done by using a block of wood and covered by ditoreh ink or as we know it with the cap system.
In 1455, for the first time Johann pomptonian food service Gutenberg developed the printing press by using a letter plate made of iron and can be changed in a frame made of wood.
Augusta Lady Byron wrote the first computer program in the world. He worked with Charles Babbage's analytical engine designed to use so that they can enter data, process data, and produces output in the form of a card. This machine pomptonian food service is known as the first form of digital computers, although pomptonian food service how it works is more mechanical than digital.
Samuel Morse developed pomptonian food service the telegraph and Morse code language with Sir William Cook and Sir Charles Wheatstone. Morse uses simple codes to represent the messages to be sent by using an electrical pulse through a single cable. However, the signals pomptonian food service that can be sent to either just be within 32 miles. For longer distances, the received signals become pomptonian food service too weak to be recorded. Then, Morse build relay equipment that is placed at every 32 km from the station signal. The relay serves to reiterate the received signal and sends it back to the next 32 miles. Relay consists of an electromagnetic switch operated. Telegraph system then immediately used for businesses that require rapid delivery of messages over long distances, such as newspapers and message to the train journey.
In 1877, Alexander Graham Bell invented and developed the first phone that is used in general. In 1879, the system calls the phone number that replaces started using the system call name. This prevents the operator is not familiar pomptonian food service with all the customers. Telephone pomptonian food service numbering system using letters and numbers, where phone numbers using a system of two letters pomptonian food service and five digits.
In 1889, Herman Hollerith pomptonian food service applies pomptonian food service the principle of perforated cards to perform calculations. His first task is to find a faster way to perform calculations for the U.S. Census Bureau. Census conducted in 1880 took seven years to complete the calculation. With the growing
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