15 Recipes Peluruh Cholesterol Naturally - Health Kompas.com fields consulting group
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KOMPAS.com - Many plants were hereditary shown to lower cholesterol and blood triglycerides. Because it is cheap and easy to come by, this plant is widely recommended. Eating medicinal plants, both leaves, fields consulting group seeds, roots, or fruit, does not mean eating the plants as much as possible. Eat these ingredients with a particular composition and dosage. Therefore, how to make potions, composition, dosage, and time should be studied with the use of a good and righteous. Here are some recipes laxative cholesterol and triglycerides were obtained from various sources: 1. Avocados Avocados contain folic acid, pantothenic acid, niacin, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, and glutathione, also rich in fiber and monounsaturated fatty acids. The content of which can lower blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Ingredients: 1 ripe avocado How to use: The fruit is eaten raw avocado. Do it every day. 2. Cabbage Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. Capitate) are also called cabbage, contains water, protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, tinamide, and beta-carotene. Cabbage also contains compounds sianohidroksibutena (CHB), sulforafan, and iberin which stimulates the formation of glutathione. Ingredients: 1 piece of fresh cabbage How to use: Wash the cabbage until clean, then rinse with lukewarm water. Cut into pieces as needed, and then juiced. Cabbage juice drink well water, do every day. 3. Carambola fruit is sweet What is the secret that can expel cholesterol? It turns out that the high fiber is able to prevent the absorption of fat can lower cholesterol and prevent high blood pressure. High fiber also facilitate digestion. While the content of vitamin C is good for anticancer high. Ingredients: 2 sweet star fruit size for use: carambola fruit is eaten after breakfast and dinner, each 1 pc. 4. Liquorice Plants that have foreign names licorice contains a number of substances such as triterpenoids, flavonoids, ferulic acid, sinapic acid, biotin, amino acids and beta-sitoserol. To note, do not use large doses will be sweet in the long run. There are reports that the use would be sweet with a dose of 30-40 grams per day for 9 months cause weakness fields consulting group bibs, hypertension, fields consulting group edema and potassium deficiency. fields consulting group Ingredients: 10 grams of licorice use: Liquorice boiled in 3 cups water until the remaining 1 cup. After a cold, filtered fields consulting group water, then divided into 2 times drinks, morning and evening. 5. Peanuts Ingredients: 1 handful of peanut leaf How to use: Leaves are washed and chopped fine. Enter into a glass leaf slices, then brewed with a cup of hot water. Let stand for 40 minutes, then filtered. Drinking water while warm and with an empty stomach. 6. Tempe Ingredients: 100 grams of tempeh How to use: Tempe is cut according to taste, then boiled, steamed, or dibacem. Tempe used as a side dish and eaten with rice. 7. Angkak Often called Chinese red rice, tanakan red is a kind of fungus, Monascus purpureus Latin name. Angkak can be used to make red wine made from rice, as a food preservative, and for drugs. Based on the study, red yeast rice can lower blood cholesterol levels. Ingredients: 1 teaspoon of red yeast rice for use: Angkak finely ground, put in a cup, and brewed with a cup of hot water. Drinking water while warm. Do it every day. 8. Chayote Ingredients: 1 medium sized fruit squash for use: Fruit peeled pumpkin, cut into small pieces and blended or grated, squeeze fields consulting group the water and strain. Set of water is taken at once. 9. Sambiloto Ingredients: fields consulting group 20 grams of dried bitter herbs How to use: Boiled with remaining 3 cups to 1 cup. After a cold, filtered water, then drink as well. Do it every day. 10. The white ear fungus Ingredients: 10 grams of dried white mushroom use: white mushrooms cut sufficiently, then boiled fields consulting group in 3 cups water until the remaining 1 cup. Add a bit of artificial sweetener. After a cold, drink water and be eaten mushrooms. 11. Onion Onion (Cepae bulb), contains flavonoids that work as antioxidants and lower levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar. Ingredients: 20 grams of fresh onion How to use: Shallots thinly sliced, eaten with rice. Do it 3 times a day with the same size. 12. Garlic pu
Ball Techno News Economy Entertainment Automotive Health Female Travel Photos Videos Property Forum Kompasiana HOME DIRECTORY NEWS & FEATURES Hot Topics Health Concerns DRUG & VITAMINS fields consulting group LIFESTYLE Food Sex Gym & CANCER TUMOR
KOMPAS.com - Many plants were hereditary shown to lower cholesterol and blood triglycerides. Because it is cheap and easy to come by, this plant is widely recommended. Eating medicinal plants, both leaves, fields consulting group seeds, roots, or fruit, does not mean eating the plants as much as possible. Eat these ingredients with a particular composition and dosage. Therefore, how to make potions, composition, dosage, and time should be studied with the use of a good and righteous. Here are some recipes laxative cholesterol and triglycerides were obtained from various sources: 1. Avocados Avocados contain folic acid, pantothenic acid, niacin, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, and glutathione, also rich in fiber and monounsaturated fatty acids. The content of which can lower blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Ingredients: 1 ripe avocado How to use: The fruit is eaten raw avocado. Do it every day. 2. Cabbage Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. Capitate) are also called cabbage, contains water, protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, tinamide, and beta-carotene. Cabbage also contains compounds sianohidroksibutena (CHB), sulforafan, and iberin which stimulates the formation of glutathione. Ingredients: 1 piece of fresh cabbage How to use: Wash the cabbage until clean, then rinse with lukewarm water. Cut into pieces as needed, and then juiced. Cabbage juice drink well water, do every day. 3. Carambola fruit is sweet What is the secret that can expel cholesterol? It turns out that the high fiber is able to prevent the absorption of fat can lower cholesterol and prevent high blood pressure. High fiber also facilitate digestion. While the content of vitamin C is good for anticancer high. Ingredients: 2 sweet star fruit size for use: carambola fruit is eaten after breakfast and dinner, each 1 pc. 4. Liquorice Plants that have foreign names licorice contains a number of substances such as triterpenoids, flavonoids, ferulic acid, sinapic acid, biotin, amino acids and beta-sitoserol. To note, do not use large doses will be sweet in the long run. There are reports that the use would be sweet with a dose of 30-40 grams per day for 9 months cause weakness fields consulting group bibs, hypertension, fields consulting group edema and potassium deficiency. fields consulting group Ingredients: 10 grams of licorice use: Liquorice boiled in 3 cups water until the remaining 1 cup. After a cold, filtered fields consulting group water, then divided into 2 times drinks, morning and evening. 5. Peanuts Ingredients: 1 handful of peanut leaf How to use: Leaves are washed and chopped fine. Enter into a glass leaf slices, then brewed with a cup of hot water. Let stand for 40 minutes, then filtered. Drinking water while warm and with an empty stomach. 6. Tempe Ingredients: 100 grams of tempeh How to use: Tempe is cut according to taste, then boiled, steamed, or dibacem. Tempe used as a side dish and eaten with rice. 7. Angkak Often called Chinese red rice, tanakan red is a kind of fungus, Monascus purpureus Latin name. Angkak can be used to make red wine made from rice, as a food preservative, and for drugs. Based on the study, red yeast rice can lower blood cholesterol levels. Ingredients: 1 teaspoon of red yeast rice for use: Angkak finely ground, put in a cup, and brewed with a cup of hot water. Drinking water while warm. Do it every day. 8. Chayote Ingredients: 1 medium sized fruit squash for use: Fruit peeled pumpkin, cut into small pieces and blended or grated, squeeze fields consulting group the water and strain. Set of water is taken at once. 9. Sambiloto Ingredients: fields consulting group 20 grams of dried bitter herbs How to use: Boiled with remaining 3 cups to 1 cup. After a cold, filtered water, then drink as well. Do it every day. 10. The white ear fungus Ingredients: 10 grams of dried white mushroom use: white mushrooms cut sufficiently, then boiled fields consulting group in 3 cups water until the remaining 1 cup. Add a bit of artificial sweetener. After a cold, drink water and be eaten mushrooms. 11. Onion Onion (Cepae bulb), contains flavonoids that work as antioxidants and lower levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar. Ingredients: 20 grams of fresh onion How to use: Shallots thinly sliced, eaten with rice. Do it 3 times a day with the same size. 12. Garlic pu
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