Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Pepino plants were first grown by local tribes in South America. In Indonesia, pepino fruit was giv

Efficacy Pepino alliance hospitality inc Fruit For Health | Health Information and Health Tips - Health Doctor
DokterSehat.com - pepino fruit or in Latin Solanum Maricatum is a fruit that comes from the Netherlands, grown in Indonesia in the colonial era. Pepino fruit is eggplant-terongan family commonly grown in the highlands. Pepino fruit for health benefits are numerous, which can cure stroke, high blood pressure, indigestion, heartburn, constipation and diabetes mellitus.
In pepino fruit contains a lot of vitamin C, but it also contains minerals, simple sugars and potassium. In addition to the health benefits of pepino fruit, this fruit also tastes very fresh (not sour or too sweet). Pepino fruit shape similar to a cucumber, with skin texture like eggplant, but the content or flesh soft and contain a high water content.
Based on the test results of laboratory analysis of food and agricultural technology alliance hospitality inc UGM, this memiiiki fruit acids, beta carotene, vitamin C, protein and starch fibers that are needed by the body. From the results of this study proved pepino low fat because abortion is 95% water. Every 100 grams of pepino alliance hospitality inc fruit contains vitamin C 25.1 mg, Protein, 0.6 grams, 26.6 mg of beta carotene and 79.3 mg of acid.
Pepino fruit widely alliance hospitality inc cultivated in regions where winter is typically plateaus, highlands Dienk misaknya in Central Java and East Java Pujon. Pepino fruit actually has a lot of variety of shapes and types. There ayang shaped like a small cucumber, there are shaped like drops of water, and there is also a round shape like an apple. alliance hospitality inc
In America, the pepino was selected as one of the super fruit with other exotic fruits for antioxidant strength and health benefits. In China, this plant several times studied and shown to have no toxic effects to the body. In fact, now being developed seriously as a raw material for medicine thrush and relief constipation problems.
In Indonesia itself is still certain circles alliance hospitality inc who know or consuming the pepino fruit. Because it is usually only available in the areas of tourism and supermarkets alone. alliance hospitality inc Price per kilogram ranged between Rp 8,000 to Rp 10,000. For storage only lasts for 4 days (at room temperature and under conditions dudah cook).
If you are curious and want to taste the fruit of pepino pepino fruit's benefits, please supermareket nearest shopping or local tourism market town of Batu in East Java, or it could be in the Mountain Regions of Central Java Dienk.
Pepino plants were first grown by local tribes in South America. In Indonesia, pepino fruit was given the nickname "tourist fruit" because it was first introduced in the Dutch colonial period. alliance hospitality inc Pepino fruit consists of the skin, pulp, and seeds, all of which can be eaten. alliance hospitality inc Flesh has a distinctive aroma and contains a lot of water. To consume should select dark golden, sweet-scented, and fairly hard. Fruit flavor is slightly sweet, sour and tasteless, each fused to one another produces a distinctive flavor combinations, alliance hospitality inc ie such as cantaloupe and melon fruit flavors.
Besides consumed as fresh fruit, pepino fruit can also be processed as raw material or as a complementary dish salad of meat and vegetable dishes. To make the salad should select a not too matang.Buah shaped dice cut into pieces, then mixed with other fruits or sayuran.Buah can also be processed into juice. In order to feel fresh and sweeter, while juiced usually add honey, milk, or gula.Pepino also be blended together with other fruits. The more mixed fruit used, the more crowded the taste of juice produced alliance hospitality inc and the greater usefulness for health.
Pepino cultivation alliance hospitality inc is generally done vegetatively. This is done because the ability of pepino seed germination is very poor, so it is often not able to grow well, even failed to grow at all. By way of vegetative shoots with roots candidates are treated specially. After sowing, the shoots will grow into complete plants within 2 to 3 weeks. This eases the process of vegetative growth of farmers who want to plant.
Pepino alliance hospitality inc is a plant that is sensitive to low temperatures, pests and diseases. This is what triggers the farmers to do it berkala.Daerah vegetative growth that is suitable for growing pepino plateau. In Indonesia, many pepino cultivation done in the area of Dieng, Central Java. Although it is not yet widespread cultivation in the country, the price is relatively cheap fruit, namely Rp10-15 thousand per kilogram.
Pepino has remarkable alliance hospitality inc properties. Although the "fruit tourist" is not known and has not been widely used in Indonesia, so a lot of real usefulness. Pepino fruit is believed to cure pa

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