Saturday, October 5, 2013

8th-Jan-2011 03:39 am (UTC)

8th-Jan-2011 03:39 am (UTC)
8th-Jan-2011 02:58 pm (UTC)
and why? the fish do not eat a dog. D0% 93% D 1% 83% D1% 81% D0% B8 #. D0.9F.D0.B8.D1.82.D0.B 0.D0. BD.D0.B8.D0.B5 "Power feed almost exclusively on plant foods, mainly - the green parts of plants and seeds. With the beak, equipped with sharp teeth along the edges, they are eating grass, cereals, cabbage, pluck the leaves, berries, indianhead foods pods and ears. Besides eating certain types of plants and even small vertebrates and insects. " r "Power feeds on plant foods - grass, grasses, berries. spring gray geese feed on the bodies of water, eating aquatic plants, and in this period the food they serve sprouting grasses and winter. During the breeding indianhead foods season feed almost exclusively on aquatic and wetland plants. After shedding their food are land plants - seeds, berries and agricultural crops. "

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