The professional communication is busy these days, a strategic role within large corporations. His main challenge is to trace the communication strategy of the company so that your work directly impact the results of large corporations. To show how professionals can create value through the instruments of today, Marco Piquini company director HALF THREE ZERO, specializing in communications consultancy, minister speech display fake foods at the event Tom Studies Group, 27/08 at 8am at the restaurant Trinity. On occasion, Piquini will explain about brand strategy, display fake foods communication 360, organization of corporate communication department and engagement team.
Piquini Marco is a journalist and was communications director for Iveco Latin America (Fiat Group), which applied the Integrated Communication, defined the brand strategy in support the accelerated growth plan of the company. Between 1998 and 2007 he was manager of the Fiat Group Brazil. He is currently director of ZERO THREE HALF Integrated Communication.
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Jefferson Miranda Founder, Innovation
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