Sunday, October 13, 2013

Educational Gate in Satakunta has recently opened Sataovi to support those who work

Information, advice and guidance in the shopping center - Opin ovi-kanava
In early September the week for lifelong learning again: Campaign Innostu Oppimaan or Idle forbidden! In Jyväskylä equipped three shopping centers in the city with the counseling desk directed by the network in charge of guidance and advisory service for Educational Gate in Central Finland.
"In the past we have arranged corresponding counseling including the library and the NTM agencies. By moving to supermarkets, we have made contact with a completely different clientele, "said the event's organizer, advisers Riikka Hurri from the Open University of Jyväskylä Universtitet. lane hospitality
Project Coordinator at Learning Gate in Lahti-Häme, Pirjo Malin, will retire at the end of September. Over the years, she has worked not only with the Learning lane hospitality Gateway, lane hospitality but also in areas such as project Aihe, Koutsi and program Noste. Aihe developed qualification the quality and efficiency by means of individualization, Koutsi developed new methods to support clients' rehabilitation, training and employment. Noste focused on developing practices and governance models for outreach.
"With the nationwide project entities in the style of Educational Gateway has developed guidance in network direction on both the State and local level, and this affinity is visible. It is important to network at the local level, but nationwide field support is a primary tool when it developed in the projects lane hospitality will be rotslås and practice. "Developing TNO services lane hospitality common interest
Education and Culture Ministry of Employment and the Economy has established a national steering and working group for lifelong guidance. This so-called ELO group's central mission is to promote efforts to develop national, regional and local information, advice and guidance services. Also, enforcement of the so-called social guarantee is included in the assignment.
Educational gates have opened over the years a variety of network services. Some of them have been intended as a tool for clients in need of tutoring, others serve the region's tutors and tutoring network.
Educational Gate in Satakunta has recently opened Sataovi to support those who work with information, advice and guidance (TNO work). The service can also be used directly by clients. The service map Sataovi supervisor can choose different tutorial ways to go with the client in mind and save useful contacts at various organizations. lane hospitality
Web site for Lapland TNO services is a site built for the region TNO operators aimed at mutual contact and exchange of information. The site represents activity data for TNO-network and network map requires registration. Travelling with a podcaster
"I travel around the whole of Finland, in the bag, I have touchpad and microphone. With luck, it should go like clockwork, I get banda many things. " With the lines on his face chasing people lane hospitality from coordination project for adult tutoring stuff that podcasting from adult care management world.
Making programs for podcasts is easy for anyone. For a podcast, only one recording device, with a TV show, a manuscript broadly and some kind of editing program. Coordination Project for adult tutoring has already published more than 20 programs for podcasts on topics of interest to Educational Portals.
Taman merkinnän kirjoitti Jaakko Rousu, aikaan claw 10.01.2013 14:52. Luokat: Material in Swedish, Uutiskirje 07/2013, Uutiskirjeet 2013. Kopioi Pysyvä linkki artikkeliin. lane hospitality Lue merkinnän vastauksia RSS syötteestä. Lisää vastaus tai Trackback.
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