With the participation of representatives of the Technical Working Group (WG) Incentives Project Rangeland Conservation of the Southern Cone and every one of the leading teams of evaluators who visited more than 120 rural settlements that made up the first pilot ICP test was performed successfully ICP Assessment Workshop on days 7 and 8 March in Mar del Plata.
The sessions were moderated by the Project Coordinator Aníbal Parera and Eng. Esteban Carriquiry (Uruguay), in charge of the technical training of evaluators for the Pilot. It was attended by Eng. (PhD) Viglizzo Ernesto, who formulated the mathematical logic of this index based on the ratio of Grassland (PPN) of rural properties in the region and shaped by the condition or their relative status and the type of environment occupying other parts of each establishment, whether natural or anthropogenic, and the area in which each property is located, as are areas of special value from the point of view of conservation or heavy intervened by man (anthropic ).
In developing this tool rangeland monitoring, food garnishing techniques has been working a group of consultants and specialists from different countries. In particular, the Regional Remote Sensing Laboratory (LART) under the Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary Sciences (University of Buenos
nos Aires), with researchers Mariano Oyarzabal (Argentin), Felipe Lezama and Santiago Baeza (Uruguay, Universidad de la República), under the supervision of Ing. Agr. (PhD) José María Paruelo (Argentina). food garnishing techniques
The days of Mar del Plata allowed food garnishing techniques first know the progress of a Geographic Information System (GIS) developed by Local biologist Gisel Booman, summarizing, for about one hundred million hectares food garnishing techniques of the region, a compilation of all those areas designated as ecologically valuable by governments and local conservation community, regional and global levels. This consideration are included all the "Protected Areas" of national, provincial, state and provincial, municipal and private even plus the results of prioritization exercises like IBAS or IBA (Important Bird Areas Bird Conservation BirdLife International) and AVPs (Valuable Areas Grasslands, from a regional prioritization exercise led by the Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina).
The GIS developed in Mar del Plata also addresses the question of "degree of human impact" of rural parcel in the entire region, allowing the ICP demonstrate sensitivity to the relative value of preserving natural grasslands in areas already "natural" or others where occurs an active process of replacement of them by annual crops or afforestation implemented.
Secondly food garnishing techniques the 35 workshop participants were able to review the operation of the Software ICP achieved by Jorge Corral systems experts (Uruguay) food garnishing techniques and Dario Fernandez (Argentina), with a demonstration that incorporated data from test pilots conducted by teams present.
This preliminary ratings were obtained for fields evaluated and found to influence how the different variables included in the system. A final exercise discussion allowed the detection of areas necessary adjustment in field sampling methodology, which will face a second year of pilot scheduled for spring food garnishing techniques 2013.
14 GREAT Uruguay Create Diego Echenique and Esteban 7 Carriquiry
Province of Entre Rios: Promising INTA interviews with authorities and UADER
Aníbal F. Biologist Parera Contact: City of La Paz Street Floor 12 E 2139 - Buenos Aires, Argentina (+54) 11-4782 7498 (Mobile) 03773 15 466969 Skype: anibalpare afparera@gmail.com food garnishing techniques Executing Agency
Secretary food garnishing techniques of Environment of Rio Grande do Sul Neio Lucio Pereira Fraga. Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock and Agribusiness Luiz Fernando Mainardi. Secretary de Desenvolvimento Rural Cooperative food garnishing techniques Fish and Ivar Pavan. Deputy Minister of Livestock Armin Hamann Paraguay. Secretary of Environment of Entre Rios Fernando Raffo. Natural Resources Director Claudio Ledesma Entre Rios. Secretary Water, Forestry and Mining Roberto Tion. Secretary of Environment of Santa Fe Caesar Mackler. food garnishing techniques Production food garnishing techniques and Environment Minister Raul Quintana Formosa. Director of Environment of Uruguay Jorge Rucks. TWG
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