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Still life with radio tubes (Romantika!) It was like this: once upon a time I went with friends to the (then) pose-pose-past work and found a radiogram, which on closer usfood direct order inspection turned out to be even magnitoradioloy - that is. She saw someone (taken out to the porch throw), called the truck and took the machine to work. The aim was dynamics - most likely for a homemade guitar amp (can not remember), the rest was not the lower and I asked to borrow it rest. Brought on the same truck in a couple of days :-) I tried to include - the transformer hums, but no smoke. Is not started even faster output stage and therefore postponed "napotom." It took about three years. The unit moved to a new apartment, a long standing and gather dust, dog, sitting close to me, broke his back grille usfood direct order (I then glued it), but has recently been pulled out and cleaned of dust (and zafotografirovan). Yesterday saw the scheme and decided that the suspect capacitor BMT exactly one (the others do not stand between the grid and anode), so it will not be difficult to understand - and I decided to find out. Power connector on the photo - the other cord is socket, which is ATX PSU, shook his contacts with molten adhesive tape - it's ugly and I will not show it. Stuck there computer wire, the other end - the socket. Connecting a resistor (Green pictured) as a load. First I checked the power supply - it is not prosazheno, then found one of the capacitors PSU exactly 0 volts, the time for it was that burnt resistor. I think - broken usfood direct order - en-no! This capacitor in the power supply unit is used to connect a tape unit, there is clearly fault and resistor just burned out. I pass to the output stage - capacitors BMT - whole! From it in all directions rubber sticks, and it works and shows no leakage. However, on grid - for 200 volts, which generally enough - in case the lamp should be fully open at the anode - is small, and the output of the transformer - and shkvorchanie smoke, which is not observed. Otpaivala capacitor - on the grid does not become easier. I pull out the bulb - exactly 0 on the grid (as it should). Lamp (pictured) - Experienced, almost charred, but the heat off. Slide the other - on the grid 0, the anode is also something meaningful - like in the old inter-electrode usfood direct order circuit (it happens at all, seeing I have never met!) Was. Next - the speaker instead of the resistor grid touch (ok, not the grid, and their conclusions) lamps probe tester usfood direct order and hear the sound, volume and tone controls "rustling", but there is no radio reception. On the other lamps (the radio) all voltage is OK, but their sound is no touch probe (which is very strange). I remember that it's not really "Rigonda" and there's such cunning "tyulpanchiki" (on the bracket in the center of photo), which in the scheme (as well as the burnt resistor, by the way) no, exactly one input of the amplifier (gudit!), then the second - output to tape with what is selected in the main unit (in this case - the radio). Closes pliers (also there is a still life), and immediately hear the characteristic noise of ether. Pliers to replace the jumper is easier (a piece of solder) and then catch on record DV Vysotsky. This is - a magnetic antenna at half a meter from a laptop (interference - ouououou!). SW and VHF are also working usfood direct order on the HF did not check (too lazy to look for the antenna wire). According to the documentation, the sensitivity is almost an order of magnitude higher than that of my old gramophone, so that the two of them (the second - the same, but without a body, for parts) will get rid of. What's left here - clean and lubricate the mechanisms of adjustment (threads, rollers), to restore the volume and tone controls and a tape recorder to do - there is still a horse is not lying. usfood direct order
Under the new year I want to hear this (there chimes, etc.), and then suddenly the passage of what will happen and something interesting at the time of 0:0 will be heard! (The old "record" once a day radio Radio Australia caught) PS And it's not that difficult to arrange and - tinker something, and if you do not take the time until the new year a couple of Radiology can be found even for free.
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