Saturday, March 14, 2015

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Food Photography by Nicole S. Young ... I am doing really little advertising for books, but now it's time again. :-) It's all about the book Food Photography by Nicole S. Young .. one of the few books I wanted to read on the matter of real interest. I got it a few months ago by chance in the English edition in my hand and I admit the description of the author, I found both very personable ... "NicoleS.Young is a full-time photographer how to garnish food specializing how to garnish food specializing in commercial photography ...... how to garnish food "and on the other hand I was skeptical ....:" Nicole is accredited to Adobe Certiefied Expert in Photoshop and a Help Deck Specialist with the National Assocaition of Photoshop Professionals .... "Yes, yes, I admit it if I so something to read, I take a book once in my right hand, put your thumb on the front and let one page scroll through the book quickly. In most cases, this is enough to see the image look of the photos contained in eight seconds. Here also! Pure Photography determined already at first glance the images. And so is it also in the book. Without any show performances craftsmanship Photography is described as it has usefully look. The pictures do not serve as a working basis and be professionally how to garnish food photographed. The finishing touch they will receive in the post without add effects that were not even considered in the recording. Sure, it does not mean that it must be so sure, but an introductory book on food photography can not be better. This really is a targeted operation explains that leads to the result quickly and without frills. It is a book that the photograph shows, how to garnish food which should be anyone who wants grappled how to garnish food with this issue acquire. The image processing is then described in detail as is necessary, no more but also no less! The mix makes it, I think it's almost unusual that not the image processing is placed how to garnish food in the foreground, it speaks so sure less people, but it is exactly the same professional approach as you should be mastered if you want to familiarize themselves with this topic , Who wants to deal with food photography will like this book. And now even the German translation, publishing "Market and Technology" at Pearson. Put food photography food perfectly in scene
Eberhard how to garnish food Schuy works in Cologne as a freelance advertising and industrial photographer for international customers. After his classical training as a photographer, he worked for several years as an assistant how to garnish food and completed his degree as a master photographer at the HWK Cologne. Four and a half years as a studio manager of an international how to garnish food advertising agency and a further four years as an advertising assistant of an international industrial company gave him the tools to succeed. In addition to his work as a product and industrial photographer, he is often hired by companies as a coach and consultant in photographic productions and concept development. He is the author of several books on training and product photography. His book> Object Photography in detail> has now been translated into several how to garnish food languages. , As a guest lecturer, he has worked on various schools of design and communication. how to garnish food Eberhard Schuy works in Cologne as a freelance advertising and industrial photographer for international clients. After his classic workout to become a photographer, he worked for several years as assistant to and graduated from Cologne Chamber of Crafts (Chamber of Crafts) as a master how to garnish food photographer. Four and a half years as a studio manager of advertising agency internationally and another four years as assistant to advertising at internationally industrial firm gave him the tools he needed for his success. Besides his work as a product and industrial how to garnish food photographer, his services as a coach and advisor on photographic productions how to garnish food and concept development projects are oft called upon by companies. He is the author of various training courses and books on product photography. His book object photography in detail has now been translated into several languages. He works at various higher education establishments for design and communication as a guest lecturer.
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