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This will be the first lesson food stylist london in a series of posts about food photography and styling. food stylist london The aim of the series is to share what I have learnt through the past 4 years of food blogging, being the photographer and the stylist behind this blog.
I will discuss food stylist london things like angles, backgrounds, props, depth of field, food stylist london lighting, vertical and horizontal food photography and much more. I do have a list of lessons in mind but I would love to hear from you!
The lessons are not aimed at food bloggers or food photographers only. I will be sharing many styling tips regarding, color matching, backgrounds and how to organise any table or food setting. This info can be helpful to anyone who wants to go the extra mile in setting a table, food stylist london arranging a center piece or serving food . Little touches can completely food stylist london transform any presentation. food stylist london Whether you’re a hostess who wants to shine in an upcoming dinner or event, or a mom who is looking for little ways to make her family feel extra special or if you are a bed and breakfast hotel owner who wants to create a signature look or feel to your meals..do stay tuned
To tell my story I chose to shoot in bright light, food stylist london to make you feel it is early morning, the little strawberry “hearts” and the colorful fork are there to say you are special, I want you to know that.The set up is simple, a cup of milk, a little platter of strawberries and our hero.Again, the aim is to convey a breakfast setting. This breakfast is simple with a few touches to make you feel extra special
In the Jordanian Matabka picture, I wanted to showcase my hero in a rustic arabic setting to make you feel that this is an old Jordanian recipe.The plate comes from Hebron in Palestine and these handpainted plates are quite popular in Jordan and in Palestine.The straw tray in the back with the simply arranged veggies and yogurt food stylist london are there to tell you that this is the way you will be served matabka food stylist london if you ever walked into a house in the north of Jordan, simple, unpretentious and delicious.
When I made the mamonia , I really food stylist london wanted my picture to convey the beautiful rich heritage of Syria. Despite everything that is happening in Syria now,in my book, Syria will always mean elegance, pride, a deep and rooted rich history. I grew up with Syrian Neighbours right next door and I will always food stylist london fondly remember their love for life and everything that is beautiful. So for this picture I chose a background with middle eastern patterns, I added the old recipe book in the background to convey the fact that this is an old traditional food stylist london recipe. The warm light is there to remind you of the warm sunny days in the middle east. The playful somewhat random arrangement of the cinnamon and pistachios aims to make you feel that this is a popular recipe people make in a laid back cozy setting.
In food stylist london the maamoul “stuffed date cookies” the story is that this is a festive cookie, served during Eid.The light is bright and cheerful, food stylist london to make you feel that it is early on Eid morning. the beautifully decorated food stylist london teacups, napkin , and the crystal rosary are their to convey the fact that this a special recipe, something elegant and worthy of celebration.
On the other hand these chocolate coconut and oat cookies tell a different story. It is still morning but it is a quiet one, gentle light, a cute stuffed elephant and a magazine you set aside to get your 5 year old a platter of cookies and a cup of milk. The two of you can enjoy a cuddle along with a couple of cookies
So the next time you set out to set a table, prepare a meal or take a picture. Think of the story you want to tell first. It will make all the difference التصوير الفوتوغرافي بكل اشكاله..فن يحكي قصه… سواء كنت تلتقط صوره لوجه باسم او باكي…ليوم مشمس او كئيب..لجبال شامخه او وديان موحشه..انت تحكي قصه ..تصوير الطعام ليس استثناء لهذه القاعدة food stylist london . بل على العكس..تكاد القصه ان تكون اهم العناصر المتحكمه في خياراتك حول الصوره هل علي ان اصور من زاوية مرتفعه ام منخفضه هل اصور بشكل عمودي ام افقي اي الالوان يجب ان استخدم في تنسيق صورتي ما هي الخلفيه المناسبه هل علي ان ازيد عزل الخلفية ام اقلله اجوبه كل هذه الاسئله تعتمد على سؤال مفصلي.. ما هي القصه التي تريد لصورك ان تحكيها لنتمكن food stylist london من تكوين قصه ممتعه و شيقه يجب علينا ان نفكر في مجموعه من العناصر: اولا يجب ان نحدد من هو البطل ..لنأخذ وصفتنا الاخيره في نكهه عربيه كمثال… بطل القصه هو بالتأكيد food stylist london البرازق food stylist london و لكن هل يكفي ان اصور البرازق وحدها ..الجواب ببساطه لا..لان البرازق وحدها مثل بطل يقف وحيدا على خشبه المسرح لا تستطيع ان تروي قصه اتذكرون مهمتنا الاولى..عندما درسنا صور المصورين المحترفين..كان هناك سؤالان مهمان.. بماذا جعلتك الصورة تشعر و ماذا تعتقد ان القصه من وراءها كانت اذا اردت ان تصور صوره رائعه عليك ان تفكر جيدا في القصه التي تريد ان تحكيها و بالمشاعر التي تريد ان ت
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