Friday, March 27, 2015

Pray for solace ,, Do you know what do you say if I met the people who died?!

Proved Makhara studies Yan leaving children Aakhttiar diet without any promise rieder smart elements to impose food to restrictions reflect positively and significantly on the dietary habits of the child and that of the aged 20 months to 6 years and a half, and avoids eating disorders as quoted by the channel "CNN" American.
According to the study, which included 155 children to unleash the children choose their eating does not mean the presence of unhealthy choices between these foods, but on the contrary to be the parents provide a range of options that contain high nutritional values, such as fruits and vegetables in addition to protein and iron in hard-boiled eggs well and others.
She highlighted the study that children who are fed by the hands of their parents directly without spoon choose foods rich in essential for the growth rieder smart elements of the child in carbohydrates, while the children who are fed by spoon choose sweet foods which contain high sugars rates which adversely affect the child's health and weight .
Pray for solace ,, Do you know what do you say if I met the people who died?!
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